Saturday, October 31, 2009
Sweet Sacrifice. Time and again she finds herself lost for directions waiting to break out of this circle awaiting to be saved, whatever that is missing she tries hard to find complete silence engulfs her not that she didn’t tried, all the beliefs she had that was once so true slowly withered away in a world so harsh and cruel, contradicting emotions occurring within her at the same time disarray she failed to distinguish the truth, just look at how the poor anguished soul cries tormented by guilt hoping to make a decision in time how precise can the answer be, when rushing is in the state of mind? little by little she lets them seep through her veins, you’ll see the leaves turn red from agony and pain. she knows it won’t be too long before it’s her time. afterall the stories end the same way, all one of a kind. sweet raptured light it ends here tonight. 9:17 PM
Friday, October 30, 2009
It is near the time of my month i think. so my moodswing mode : ON. anyway jelly and i went to CWP to discuss about the upcoming birthday of 2 nov babies on this coming monday. we dinnered together also, thanks for accompanying me jelly! loves. we chat, ate and had a super long long session of girl's talk. and i think that we seems to be quite good at entertaining each other huh? we laughed like hell during ice kachang session by the way HEEHEE. okay now im going to talk about something which'll spoilt my mood to the max. ready?? as i parted goodbye with jelly i went up the train. train was quite crowded so i entered and stood on the glass panel area which was my favourite place to stone. so the moment i leaned against the panel the same guy who was behind me before i entered the train also leaned against the door (which won't open) and he was leaning so damn close to me its as if he knows me or something so i thought to myself " never mind. maybe he doesnt realize it " so the train started moving and he started to sway and move closer towards me bit by bit. i was feeling rather uncomfortable because the girl who was holding the pole next to me was "trapping " me i never felt so enclosed in my life before. i swear to god. he kept swaying his fringe despite the presence of me. i wanted to die. i folded my arms to show that i wasnt feeling very comfortable with him standing so close to me but he actually ignored me and inched closer until he stood just beside me. and i saw him scanning me and pretending to look away and that was it. at that point of time i seriously wanted to punch him in the face till he dies. the period when the train was moving felt like a million years to me so the moment the train stopped i stared at him so he could give way to me to move out. i walked to the other end of the train and stood on the same spot again people looked at me but i just couldnt give a damn about it. so IF at any point of time you (the retarded guy) chanced upon reading my humble post, yes im refering to you please go and reflect on your extremely revolting actions. seriously i've never ever seen someone so pathetic as you, are you really that desperate? ignoring does not mean that i don't know what the hell you are up to, and im not as fucking retarded as you by the way. i think that you should really go cut your fringe because it looks so ugly on you, stop thinking that you're oh-so-handsome for god sake. check your reflection in RP's toilet mirror 1st please, i doubt your house have one that's the reason why you're so confident of yourself. right? seeing the smug look on your fucking shit-face despite you being SO in the wrong simply makes me very pissed off. i would have easily killed you if you promised not to retaliate back. 9:29 PM
![]() If you guys are wondering what is this graph about. it's basically about how guys WOO girls in the period of courtship this is from yurong by the way. take a look at it. hoohoo!
2:21 PM
Thursday, October 29, 2009
It is time to diet again. i've been rather lenient with myself recently. i ate alot of sweet stuffs like ice creams, hello pandas, chocolates and what have you. i'm also eating junks such as fried stuffs and oily stuffs thanks to darling yurong i ate 10 freaking NUGGETS just now at macdonals ( it's the 1st time in my life im having 10 at one go by the way). i know whattheheck right this is not so me and to make things worst PMS is not helping my mood swing and my body's craving is going haywired. i need to be on fish + tonnes veggies/greens + H20 schedule asap to kill those adipose cells. jogging & swimming here i come!! Ps: i need to employ someone to be around me 24/7 just to remind me not to get stressed. 8:43 PM
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
i so feel like going back to accappella suddenly that is after hearing Plain white T's sunlight whereby the chorus part was accappella-ed. i miss those carefree days back then in secondary school, i miss singing for choir and accappella, i miss those times when im with my choir clique, i miss practicing in the small and pathetic rehearsal studio, i miss carrying the portable casio keyboard up & down like a mad person, i miss laughing like mad with zhongming and pam during practice, i miss shouting till my voice got hoarse, i miss going back home together with gang after practice, i miss marking the choir's attendance, i miss singing at the stage and public, i miss the sound when all the different parts of voices harmonize as one. in all, i miss singing. i really do. by the way, Happy Birthday sayang HAZ! :) 10:48 PM
Saturday, October 24, 2009
The Finale So as I write this letter and shed my last tear Maybe this just wasn’t meant to be, Two world spinning apart right from the very start At my last few moments I see flashes re-wind from the start Pick your favourite shade of black
10:04 PM
I was a good girl today. i did my last theory paper carefully and wrote down notes for the 3 questions as told my miss ho. exam's date is approaching nearer as the days goes by and i'm keeping my fingers crossed. i've never flunked *touchwood* any of my practical or theory exams in my entire life before and i hope it will continue on for the sake of my final grade. pretty please? yesterday peilin and me went to attend the lasik talk at wheelock place and we went Borders since we were still quite early. we walked around and there is just so many books that i want to get for myself, if possible i seriously want to buy all the book that's in Borders and kinokuniya. no i am serious. i love to read and thankgod pl shares the same common interest as me if not i'll bore her to death. because when i read i go into my own world. :) she lend me1 of the books she bought, tuesdays with Morrie, by Mitch Albom the author of the international bestseller The Five People You Meet in Heaven. i read the 1st few chapters and i'm hooked on it. basically it's a really touching, heartwarming and inspiring true story about finding wisdom and the answers to life's profound questions. go read it guys and you will know what i mean. 8:52 PM
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Guess what i was late for meeting up again today and so did sharmila thus we cabbed again. it's CABBING THURSDAY remember?!! azmi and mei ling was late too much much later than us, they reached class like 9 plus. tsktsk. oh well, today was a busy day for me i went up and down to get permission from drink stall's aunty then rushed to get the cake from yurong's class and then back to koufu again. then me went deposit the cake and went back class and after which during 2nd break we rushed like mad & celebrated with Su Min!! LOL!! fruit cake was nice, i love getting messy with hands and cream on face, hair and shirt. not to mention eating cake with toilet paper thanks to manton! :) after school me & rong went early dinner. i ate tomyam noodles with super alot of chili padi. it was super spicy + the hot-ness of the soup and the pain was quite immense scalding of the tongue and burning sensation at the same time but it felt good. usually i take quite spicy stuff, but when im vexed, moody i go for the extreme. go ahead ask yurong bout the thrill we had just now. ![]() i enjoy this very much. tomorrow's going to be a long day for me. oh by the way, i MUST not touch fried food, oily food or sinful stuff anymore. i'd sinned enough already. time to resume jogging and hiphop soon. okay my bed's calling out for me. 9:00 PM
Monday, October 19, 2009
So today i stayed back with zul and nick for song composing session. my god i was dead tired from immunology today please when i reached nick's class i was literally braindead. i was in charge of lyrics and the harmony of the overall song. so while zul and nick was in the midst of the discussion i floated away to the whiteboard to doddle. just take a look at my masterpiece man. i know they look so cute right? HAHA! okay im dead tired. ciao.
11:01 PM
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Execution date's out. 7th november at raffles girls school. all those nonsensical history bull essays and notes i've yet to start memorizing them properly. they're bits and pieces all over the place and so im keeping my fingers crossed. i have another 4 birthday celebrations coming up and they are so so NEAR one another. OHH my god. sigh. im getting quite stressed recently thus i need to remind myself to relax, i'll grow old very fast if i get stressed out too easily. HAHAH! sometimes i just find myself getting too serious with stuff happening in my life. i really NEED to learn to relax. Tell me what am I feeling? Well, it's hard to explain. 4:44 PM
Friday, October 16, 2009
Rainbow Connection Why are there so many songs about rainbows And whats on the other side Rainbows are visions Theyre only illusions And rainbows have nothing to hide So we've been told and some chose to believe it But I know theyre wrong wait and see Someday well find it The rainbow connection the lovers, the dreamers and me Who said that every wish would be heard and answered When wished on the morning star Somebody thought of that and someone believed it And look what its done so far Whats so amazing that keeps us star gazing What so we think we might see Someday well find it That rainbow connection the lovers the dreamers and me All of us under its spell We know that its probably magic Have you been half asleep And have you heard voices Ive heard them calling my name Are these the sweet sounds that called The young sailors I think they're one and the same I've heard it too many times to ignore it Theres something that Im supposed to be Someday well find it The rainbow connection the lovers, the dreamers and me. 9:13 PM
Monday, October 12, 2009
immunology was today and i shot my facilitatior unintentionally and i don't feel okay. it rhymes huh? HAHAHA. anyway this morning meeting up was damn classic, i waited for my dearest sharmila and she was late for like what 20 mins++? azmi over slept so i was waiting alone at the station. in the end we cabbed to Rp and this was the conversation sharmila had with meiling.. sharmila: " hello. ehh meiling ar where are you ar? " meiling: " i'm in school already " sharmila: "ehh u can check for me W5 downstairs locked anot? cos we're inside cab now." and when we're about to reach W5 we saw mei ling waiting downstairs for us and she was holding the door for us. HAHAHAHHAHAH!! i laughed like mad the moment i saw her because she looked SOOO CUTE! who would have thought that she'll hold the door for us? awww so nice of her man. * applaud for her loudly * she even placed a PEBBLE near the hinge of the door to prevent it from closing. so cute right her actions?!! AHAHAHHA!! mei ling mei ling your actions are seriously so amusing yet cute please. :) im a BEE. Queen BEE? HAHAHHAHAHA!! 7:11 PM
Sunday, October 11, 2009
one's finally down im happy and so tired. 1 word. BUSY. BUSY. BUSY. so many things for me to stress this month. oh god. anyway till then. TATA! :) 12:21 AM
Saturday, October 10, 2009
So i surfed the net and out of boredom i decided to research on my favourite colour PURPLE! and i finally understand why im so attracted to the colour. it matches almost perfectly. Purple: Spectrum: 7th and last color of the spectrum Planet: Jupiter Element: FireGemstone Sapphire Metal: Tin Musical Note: B - sacred music, hymns Attributes: Sophisticated, nobility, spiritual aspiration, honor and self-esteem. Magnetic, tense, powerful, healing, spiritual, meditative, religious, royal and divine. Medically, it cools the nerves and is antiseptic. Mysterious. Characteristics: Purple personalities strive to better themselves spiritually, mentally and emotionally. They are voracious readers, constantly seeking knowledge, particularly in tales of the lives of others. Wanting a greater spiritual connection, they love the subjects of theology and religion. Thus armed, they love to spread their findings to others to help them on their spiritual paths. Being perfectionists, they are prone to self-sabotage by being overly critical of themselves. In an extreme form, those who like the muted shades of purple can become religious zealots who feel the God given right to judge others and mete out retribution. The search for spirit is lost in their fanaticism. Those who favor darker purple work to find inner peace and love and a connection to God or their higher power. As givers, they are fine friends as they don't seem to ask much for themselves. If they do seek help from another and are not clear in their desire, they may resent the fact that their request is not forthcoming. They can develop a hard-done-by attitude in this case. Over-functioner resenting under-functioner. 9:23 PM
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Alright. what i'd encountered today is just pure DRAMA-MAMA. This was what happened.. me, sharmila and azmi agreed to meet at woodlands at 8.05 because we didn't want to be late again. and in the end all of us reached at 8.15 on the dot and i saw mei ling waving to me, maybe she saw me being so flustered the moment she walked near me she immediately patted my head. AHAHAHA!! thanks mei ling! :) that did calm me down for a second. then all decided to cab to Rp because we didnt want to be LATE. so we cabbed there and oh yeah mei ling was getting high inside the cab i joined her soon after that. so we told the uncle to stop just below W5 so it would be faster for us to fly to the class but little did we realized that Retarded Poly locked all of the doors except south agora. the moment meiling realized that we're locked all of us started swearing in unison. i think the taxi uncle heard us but who cares. our effort to take a big detour went down the drain thanks to the brilliant policy of Rp to make all of us undergo temp scanning at front gate. so by the time we walked to south agora and walk back to W5 we were freaking LATEEE. 8.50am. A ROUND OF APPLAUSE PLEASE!! i'd like to say, screw you RP. you're indeed so extremely fucking retarded. and so again we're late. other than monday 9.15am lesson which we w54n guys made it on time. tues 10am and today's 8.30am timing are cursed. cursed to be late. i hope i wont be late for genetics tomorrow. oh by the way i got a freaking C from psycology. oh god i so hate gays. my rashes is not hand foot mouth disease doctor says it's allergy to food. 7:07 PM
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
im going to the doctor tomorrow. im feeling quite depressed now at the moment. school's just started and im getting all these kind of fucked up shit. i just hope it's not what i think it is. pray hard for me guys. 8:27 PM
Monday, October 5, 2009
i know i shouldnt say this but i HATE my immunology facilitator. yes it's just the 1st lesson and i've decided to condemn him. i'm sorry but i realized that he seriously cant speak proper english at all. today in class he gave all of us a hard time. he's unable string a proper sentence without having to hem and haw so how on earth is he going to teach us immunology?? you tell me. worst of all he's super long winded, it's like taking a detour and never coming back. he yaks nonstop very much worst than my gramps. get my drift? yes? no? anyway i just so don't like him. i seriously wish someone will drag him out of class next monday. i detest myself for that. indesicive bitch. 9:20 PM
Sunday, October 4, 2009
“Falling in love is a process of developing attachment, which happens when oxytocin floods the brain,” - Alan Hirsch, neurological director. 12:09 AM