Tuesday, March 31, 2009
hiphop lesson was about the same today? stil no real choreo just yet. *yawns * when on earth is choreo comin tell me tell me!!!? shcool starting real soon and i hate it. im actually feeling quite infact very moody right now. very sad. i dislike. wad's wrong? you tell me. you, me her, he, they, we. its back to me again. 1:01 AM
Saturday, March 28, 2009
we went reggae open class today with sammie, joan and joleen and omg i seriously want to take a paper bag and cut 2 holes and wear it. the speed was a little too fast almost couldnt catch up plus they took video. shit them. i so screwed myself up today. period. definitely need more practices cos reggae elements have gone all rasty. then we went queenzway with sam's fren brian we ate at ikea spag, meatball and salad then we went shop shop shop for nike dunks & my bb shorts. n in the end sam got her red nike dunks my god it's so gorgeous, im jealous la okay. lol. well next tues we heading for more baggie pants at tampines and sat's for my nike dunks. keep that purple coloured one for me please. :) 8:53 PM
Friday, March 27, 2009
went kaikai with shihui today. bought a pair of shoes and nail polish maroon colour from skinfood. WOOTS! i really had a hard time finding you my dear. huihui bought 2 pairs of shorts. she was dead tired at the end of the shopping trip. poor thing. go home rest plenty plenty okay. im so EGGCITED for tomorrow's reggae open class! :)
11:12 PM
bubbles taste real soapy. trust me. i felt my mouth super clean, impact lasted for about 10 seconds. AHAH! ogay, i shld get some sleep now :) 12:13 AM
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Went back to rp to get our lappy "upgraded" got that news through sch's mail and apparently its not really complusory so why the hell didnt they state it clearly in the mail. thanks to the cleverness of the sch irene, joan and me had to drag our laptop all the way to doby fer dance lesson. what the hell. practiced for a while at our usual spot, cam-whored a li'bit & off we go. reached there early to pracitce but studio were all taken up and i was wearing the exact same pants as allegra(our instructor) my heart almost stop beating at the moment when i realized that, best thing was were were wearing black baggy shirt as well. how great! i thought i was gonna be tortured by her for clashing with her dress code but thank god she didnt torture me. *grin widely* routine was as usual crunches, lower abs exes pushup blahblah, we learnt new moves, im not good with hand and leg coordination? felt abit retarded when we 1st did lol but we managed to get the hang of it. this sat we're going for reggae open class woots like finally mann :) tomorrow there's band concert with samie. Weeeee~ ~ ~ allegra to class: " go listen more hiphop songs to find the groove, no more chinese songs please " they might still be there i think they still are. but im not bringing them with me anymore, i'm far too tired to move on with so many emotional luggages linked to you. i get sad and emotional when memories floods back & i've had enough really. cause of you i've been foolishly holding on for a tad too long. i really hope i can fuckin ditch you soon. i know i can. 11:13 PM
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Went to meet yurong today at cck at 8.20am and off we go to staduim to set up booth and work as kid's promoter hahah! i was naturally a little bit scared as its my first time being a promoter so yurong asked me to pair up together with her but then i managed to get the hang of it after a few customers and we went seperate ways to promote. finally rp's everyday presentation skills came in handy for once. after a few customers i was used to talking to parents and kids and i mean all kind of parents. we talked alot and stand almost throughout the wholeday, and now im having sore throat and my legs are super tired. oh yes before i forget i seriously feel that some adults in singapore needs to be lectured on what exactly is manners all about. 1) dont they know that when someone say's " hello! would u like a phamplet ? "they should at least have the basic respect to react back? well at least turn make eye contact and say " no. thank you." i met 1 old woman who looked like late 40-ties dressed in mini skirt & high heels. omfg. please. spare my eyes. 2)because of the fact that joining the membership will make kid's activities( rock climbing, horse riding, ice-skating..etc) very much cheaper which is around 50% diff obviously the activites are held all over singpore. 1 parent said " so if my son wants to join rock climbing i need to go to the other end of the world? * walks away * & i was like ... .. i mean you pay for what you get i believe? its not as if cck swimming complex is big enough to hold ALL the activities in the list la okay. wake up. hello its singapore we're talking about. how far can far be? ok i think i beta stop now. if not im gonna ranting f-o-r-e-v-e-r. anyways, i think its good experience for me at least i know how to handle them next time round. went and dessert with yurong after that at lot1. nice chatting with you dear ~ ~ hope to see u soon. :) 9:57 PM
Saturday, March 21, 2009
i should be in bed now, freaking headache is killin me i swear. i feel as if my head's gonna burst any moment from now but i don't have the mood to rest. i HATE moodswings. i so fucking hate you. 12:10 AM
Thursday, March 19, 2009
didnt sleep a wink yesterday night. was TOO bolated from the freakin sushis i suspected i've got heartburnt too. nose was fucking blocked i couldnt breathe properly & damn the stupid horror movie my imagination went WILD. i desperately need my beauty sleep tonight i've 3 hours of combined theory lecture tomorrow on music history & form, ohmygod history = dry chapter yes im so going to die tomorrow.... .. RICE are very very EVIL. 6:11 PM
We went to PS this early afternoon to lot 1 to meet sm for mark's pressie cause we celebrating his birthday in advanced and in the end we bought him guitar pendant, next we meet up with chenyee and mark and off we went to watch "coming soon" instead of cy's what mall cop (which i wanted to watch also. serious.) that freaking show was s-c-a-r-y my goodness, my heart almost stopped beating at a few scenes when i got shocked by the sudden appearance of the ghost. sumin and i were using 1 hand to cover our eyes to prevent ourselves from being shocked to death lol. oh ya, thanks to chenyee for the continuous attempt to elbow me during the show especially when the ghost(maximized) face was on the verge of popping out on the screen. so irritating omg, he pushed the blame to mark because mark did that to him. huh funny ar cy~ lol. then after which they played pool while i sat and watch couldnt bend over due to extreme muscle ache i was cameraman again. hahah! then after that mark's mom asked him to dinner with her so we left early. sigh. a little bit too early though den sumin & i went to buy him a small little chocolate cake while he smoked wit cy, but i forgot to take pictures of the cake damn it. anyways last but not least Happy Birthday Mark :) 12:33 AM
Monday, March 16, 2009
hiphop was sick. allegra's routine was super "fierce" made me sweat like as if i'd just finish my bath. we had warm up of 35mins include crunches, pushups, squats all done on 8beats. my god coupled with the soreness of my muscle strain on sunday due to weights, i really almost died during class. after class all of our legs = jelly. i couldn walk properly at all and had difficulty getting up after i sat down. yes it was quite terrible but it was fun. :) im looking forward to next monday. * grins * 11:28 PM
called pam up 1 hour 27 mins ago. we chatted around an hour++, me really really really missing her soooooooo bloody much. there's just so much to catch up on we tried to squeeze what we'd been missin out into 1 pathetic hour of conversation, but its good cause the longest time we could talk on the phone when her parents around = 10 mins. what the heck. okay maybe 1 hr of quality time wasnt that bad, those good old days where we stick side by side 24/7 had vanished ever since we went seperate ways. judging from her MI's life seems to be good for her hahahhah! am i right miss popular..? :) i miss her being one of the very few who could sense what im thinking/feeling even without me reacting or appearing emotionless. i miss those times where we used to hang out together after choir within our own small clique, laughing so loud till passerbys stared to look at us thinking we'd one of our screw loose. why do i find it more and more difficult to hold on to something close to me as we grow older? im still tryin to cope, its been so long yet i still can't adjust myself to it. perhaps i should learn to let go a little, being too stubborn will only cause self-infliction at the end of the day. ok i should go, im gettin emo. to dearest pammy, will continue to miss you & i know you miss me ALOT ALOT too. :) loves & wants see you reaal soon. :) " always remember i'm your inner mirror " 1:23 AM
Sunday, March 15, 2009
BOO! ima back! *grins* long time no seeee. my god so much to update dont know where exactly to start. hmm. went IT show on friday wit frens and FUN-ED the whole day. tiring, there was alotta peeps and i thought i almost suffocated to death, well friends kept shooting me non-stop, making remarks like " omg u better walk infront if not i'll not be able to see you among the crowds " ( lol if you guys are reading this stop smiling, u shld feel guilty instead ok. ) ohyeah, im beginning to doubt if i look nice in vests cause one sales woman commented that i've broad shoulders. WTH. *while trying on vest like clothing.( size M )* she: *observes* hmm its a bit tight for u huh.. me: yeah. i cant move my shoulder blade comfortably at the back. she: ya because your shoulders are quite broad *trying to adjust vest*, are you a swimmer? me: ahahah. yup i'm. sigh. but never mind since she's a nice old lady. Anyway hit gym with sam this morning after a week of "freezed" running due to horrible sickness, not too bad managed to break my old record. a round of applause please? :) timing wise can be improved on, so 4.5k next target..? lol. went IT show with dad and eddie, and god the amount of people there was sheer madness. in order to move we'd to keep push push PUSHHH... its not like as if everything's foc? while on the escalator all i could see was people's heads bobbing up and down without bodies at sight. thank god i managed to get the stuffs i wanted- lumix camera, earpieces, cell's memory card. thanks dad! :) i'm waiting for the latest ipod shuffle to be released in s'pore. im so going to get youuuuu. 12:38 AM
Saturday, March 7, 2009
i've fallen sick. fucking hell its driving me nuts. im super tired and weak all over. resting early tonight, there's important thing to settle tomorrow afternoon. close friends nowadays seems to be very troubled, im worried but that's about it, i cant do much. sigh. oh well, fuck whatever that's making these few days miserable for me. fuck you.fuckyou.fuckyou.fuckyou.FUCKYOUTODEATH. 8:59 PM
Thursday, March 5, 2009
didnt sleep well yesterday. couldnt get myself to sleep, the feeling sucked. i hate it whenever insomnia attacks. dragged myself up around 6plus to prepare for a jog, felt more alive and freshenup after the run especially when i finally stopped and took in the 1st mouthful of fresh air. it never fails to help me recompose myself whenever i feel as if i'd lost control over things. im totally burnt out right now, which is a good thing i guess. 5:37 PM
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Hanged out with yl, yh, irene,muqsit and razmi yesterday at marina. lunched at breeks and then we found a place to slack was quite diffcuilt because everywhere was wet, it felt like we went back in time, chilled out and guitar sessions at one corner. miss those days truckloads. i didnt realized razmi's skill's improved so much until i listened to his own creation " the last dance " it was so good that i thought it was from a band, the song was about a couple was on the verge of seperation lyrics was emotional enough and i loved the progression of his chords. he seemed so into it when he was strumming for us, maybe that's the best way to describe the turmoil within him. oh yes before i forget, i wana learn " thinking of you (katy perry) " from him!! but meanwhile i'll figure out myself by finding guitar tabs HAHAH! i can't wait for W34F gathering at 17th march. :) 12:54 PM
Monday, March 2, 2009
Well yesterday sammie and i went to shop at bugis!! but it was raining like hell thank god i brought my brolly along we 2 shared but still were drenched including our shoes. -.- so we went and walk and walk and walk until all out legs were screaming for us to stop. we bought wallets and black jeans for me, oh yes we waited at a specific shop for like 30 mins standing like complete idiots, because sam found a piece of clothing and wanted to buy but there was nobody attending to the shop. yes NO ONE. i take my hats off for the shopowner, we even thought of leaving 20 bucks on the table and off we go. finally he came back with a LJS plasticbag. wthhh!! i arrowed question to him like " aren't u afraid people might juz take your items and walk off? " " why are there no assistance around to takecare of the shop? " we were bloody irritated by him but he had a innocent face and gave her discount so we let the matter go. LOL! then we decided to head down to ashton for dinner, we literally WALKED there alright. by the time we reach there it was almost 8pm and the moment we saw the amount of people queueing up my heart almost stopped beating. there were 2 bloody long lines of peep standing over there, stoning, we waited for 10 mins and still the queue was not moving so wen went off. can you imagine i was so hungry till i was looking everywhere to see if there's any restaurant to dine in. then we saw Indulge located at basement. we went inside and there was this waiter running all over the restaurant, i made eye contact to him signaling him to attend to us but he was busy wiping the table and seemed to be so flustered lol. we settled down and ordered our pastas and drinks, and as usual gosspied hahahah!! Then suddenly in the middle of our conversation... sam: hey, erm i was wondering...( hesitated and serious face ) me: ya..? what is it? sam: erm.. do u find that waiter (the one who was running all over the place ) near the counter... kind of cute..? me : *turns to look* OMG!! you find him cute too?!! we: * Burst into laughter* that was quite idiotic but who cares, sam if u're reading this post i know you're ogling at him most of the time right..? hahahah lucky you seated facing him. sigh poor me..? LOL! thing is that guy looked younger than us by 2 years..? he's quite decent looking those "extinct species" get my point? lol but he's around my height, sigh.. too short. then we trained home and yeah "extinct species" was still our topic all the way until home. we even had crazy ideas to wait outside the restaurant? lol! took pictures at cck station people looked but i guess we're used to it. HAAH! ![]() ME & SAMIEEE! :) today we gymed, was raining but we went on. i was sweating like nobody's business but sam seemed to be perfectly normal as if she didn't workout at all. lol it maybe 3km was no kick for her..? she even wanted to go for 2nd round, go samie go!! we did planks and situp omg i thought i almost died while doing seatup i lay flat on the mat after that. sam was pretty GOOD at doing situps. lol!! nice workout today. to samie: next attempt >> 3.5km okay..? since u recover 3km at a super ultra fast speed. >.< 11:04 PM