Saturday, February 28, 2009
Gymed with ky at earlier today and saw eddie over there lol! i almost forgot he had gym training every sat and sunday. anyway i'm glad to announce that i'd managed to accomplish my 3km run today. hopefully i'm able to hit 4km with more trainings in the mornings. muhahah!! :) im like rotting at home, waiting for hiphop to commence which is another 2 weeks away~ reggae open class have yet to be signed up. im still waiting waiting.. ..... forever waitingggggggggggggggggggg... .. it sucks and it sucked. being foolish... .. i think i'd enough of it GAMEOVER. 10:07 PM
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Finally came back from W34H's chalet. was not so bad as i'd thought lol. tonnes of fun and insane videos( pepper vid from mark and fad during dinner ) taken not to mention PIKS too. will post them up when i get them. 1st night only cy, dom, fad, mark, doug, and me came while sumin, manton and agnes decided to come on 2nd day. didnt plan to sleep but we did sleep anyway. oh yes i'd to apologize to cy for making him exchange places with me on the bed because it was too cold for me. he woke up around 6am because the aircon was freezing and went downstairs alone while we continued sleeping. i felt guilty about it though. sorry again cy. lol. we rest at 3.15 am but i didnt get to sleep. fad & I tossed, stared at the ceilling blankly while listening to cy + dom's thunderous snoring. they took turns to snore oh my god & i can't sleep without 90% slience in the room. i felt being tortured alive. but thank god i managed to dozed off around 5 plus. hahahah. 2nd day was all was present and stayed overnight. had BBQ, majiong sessions, heartattack, big fish small fish, beergoggle( which i sucked most at ) and who what huh? games to entertain ourselves through the whole night. tiring but fun we even had ghost storytelling without lights in the room, quite disturbing for some of the stories but thankgod i'd the accompanyment of gang. :) after which we packed up and set off to mac for breakfast. where there's new videos to be uploaded again. LOL! trained home & cab with sm and dom, quick nap & got back to rp to practice dance. super drained off, my batt wasn't completely charged but i managed to find my long lost favourite chocolate at rp's 7-11 store i found... ... KINDER SUPRISE!! :) Irene and i got so highhh until when we were paying for it at the counter the cashier laughed at our behaviour and conversations. -.- ![]() ![]() new versions. but i prefer the original one though. ![]() ![]() ![]() 11:19 PM
Monday, February 23, 2009
im tired right now but i need to find a place to let it all out before i'm able to sleep in peace, hopefully i guess. past few days have been quite emotionally draining for me & i'm starting to find it hard to deal with the moodswings. tomorrow's the chalet of w34h and i still cant get my mood back the worse thing is all the excitment that i used to have have all disappeared all of a sudden. sad to say but im not very enthusiastic about it. i really don't wish to dampen gang's mood tomorrow for/in the chalet. shucks. i dislike the way i behave right now. i dislike me ultra sensitive, but i can't help it. i hate constantly being weighed down by issues i can't fucking resolve. i seriously find myself being a moron who goes after self- inflicted pain. sometimes i struggle so hard until i find it hard to breathe. I really just wana let everything go. I'm sick and tired of everything. 1:29 AM
Friday, February 20, 2009
![]() 1:42 PM
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Anan's mood wasn't really good today i guess..? her warm up exercise today was quite "hiong" , 1/2 squatting exercise made my thighs crying out loud now. she taught us the few final steps of the choreography, it was rather repetitive though but the way she demanded from us and corrected us made her looked super ultra strict, i even thought i sensed a hint of reluctance in her voice when she did corrections with us ... on a scale of 1 to 10. her standard = 8.5. Sigh. well, maybe she's mood out today or something. i've been thinking hard for the past 20 mins. only to realize that i don't know how to express them in words.. . 11:47 PM
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Signed up hiphop1 at school with the girls (7 of us in total including me). ima quite excited about it though lol, i wana join reggae open class because anan's teaching!! we so love her style!! :D after which sammie rushed off to her choir practice while the rest of us lingered on in PS. lol chanel and joan are gonna be my future students for piano hahahah! guess i've to wait till i finish my final grade theory at november. sat's off to beach road with them to hunt for hh attire. wooots! off to bed. super early piano lesson later. Zzzzz 11:37 PM
hohoho. met up wit sammie to go dance pants at je.. i bet the aunty think we just escaped from IMH because we were making such a din and leaving hangers everywhere well that always happens whenever i'm together with sam. we will go super crazy, because she's always the one making me laugh until i can't breathe. outing with her makes me feel soooo relaxed, it's like a kind of de-stress therapy :) managed to get 1 dark maroon coloured while sam's beige but it's polyester so ya it's quite stuffy. next we went dinnering at IMM, and we decided to have pasta which was healthy i thought because it's pan fried with olive oil. but then i gave in to temptation i had italian chocolate cake with ice cream. omg so freaking sinful i feel so guilty man. i didn't want to give in but sam's " bo chap just enjoy " attitute tempted me. sigh. wasted my 2km just now i guess. i must jog even longer to destroy the evil fats and sinful dessert i ate just now. lol. bought 2 shirts and a top. i'm thinking of the 30++ bucks cardigan at Esprit it's sooooooo nice, should i..? ![]() Sammie!! :D Sinful. yet so pleasurable. :D
12:04 AM
Monday, February 16, 2009
Went to catch Curious Case Of Benjamin Button with ky just now at lot1. it was a super random last min decision lol. the movie started off with a very very very old lady lying on a hospital bed and seemed to be on the verge of dying. initially i though she was a old man because the face was so wrinkled and her voice was kinda weird maybe's it's due to old age & her mouth was not really moving when she spoke...? so i really had to listen hard when it was her turn. In general, the story was talking about this man who was born old as a baby and aging younger and younger as he goes through life. he was being abandoned by his father because he looked quite hideous as a "old baby". he slowly goes through life experience love and all it was quite sad because he was aging younger while the people around him are growing older and weaker. And finally he got married to his " childhood sweetheart " it was sweet at the beginning but things weren't so good soon after. ok.. i admit i got a little bit emotional at the last 45 mins of the show, ky caught me secretly sniffing away to clear my nose lol. i thought it was quite sad and heart-wrenching..? i also heard the girl sitting 1 level higher than us sniffing away so i guess i'm not overly sensitive. hahahah! i highly recommand this show to all it's a must catch, but be prepared it's 2hrs 45 mins so don't consume too much water inside the theater!! :) 8:37 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Went out with shihui to paragon to take my results for my grade 7 theory exam. i was so freaked out when i was outside the music school but i dragged myself in eventually. once i passed my IC and letter to the staff i was handed a big envelop, and i passed it to shihui almost immediately. i backed off. i didnt dare to open the results because i was not mentally prepared. maybe ego has a part of share in it, maybe because i've never failed in music exams before so I expect fairly high standard of myself and i know dad have high hopes on me though he's never stressed me before. " but what if i disappoint him this time round..? " I was quite worried because i knew i might fail, it was a "straight train" exam right after grade 8 practical i rushed for grade 7 theory. i only had 3 months plus to drill on the papers & my theory's the one that sucked. shihui then open the envelop while i stood far away away from her covering my ears to protect myself from the bad news. people around me stared at us but i couldn't care less at that time. must have look quite retarded i guess. lol . and the results was... .. I... .. Passed.. With... MERIT!!! :) WOOHOO! damn this paper made me so uneasy ever since from yesterday when joe texted me and told me she passed her's. lol. i felt so relieved and bought macroons back for family to celebrate V-day. dad also bought us out for celebration, seafood dinner!! thanks daddddd!! :D it's as if life was being sapped out of her as she continues struggling. it's too painful this way isn't it? deep within she thirst for a chance to break free. IF there is any. 11:13 PM
Thursday, February 12, 2009
ireniee said that my current color suits me better, because i look too good girl with my black hair. cat and the rest feel so too HAHAH!! hmm i feel more freshen up after the highlighting, well at least i know it don't look bad on me * grins * today's rag lesson was omg t-e-d-i-o-u-s, i shook my head until i got dizzy spells. the class was seeing stars after swaying the head 360 degrees constantly for a few times. Reggae's ending in another 2 more lessons..? awww but never mind there's open classes :) & we're joining new genre probably Hiphop..? sigh too bad Gin's L.A is not out yet, but never mind we'll wait for it to commence. because we're totally in loveeeee with L.A moves. I think i shouldn't be so childish in my thinking. 10:38 PM
i did the highlight afterall. lol. golden brown colour sams mom chose it for me, she claimed that my fair skin is suitable for most colours hahahah! sam's soo tanned i want her skin. let's exchange skin shall we sammie..? had her accompanied me to breakfast this morning at 7.15 almost couldnt wake up but we managed to muhahah. Big thanks to you and ur mom. muacks :) We exchanged our life's story and found out that she's also stucked in the same phase that i'm in right now..? well sort of. Sigh. I'm feeling confused. 12:49 PM
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
i dunno what caused me to come to blog again. maybe it's the frustrations within myself, or maybe it's due to friends being emo recently. sometimes i really hate myself for not being able to help much when they're having problems. its like i know very well they're encountering something which makes them upset and stuff, yet i can't do anything at all. im totally fucking helpless, should i add the word useless in as well..? all i can do now is to pray & hope that their problems will be settled soon. To the one who called me and cancled the meetup for tomorrow: please takecare of yourself alright, don't make me worry for you. i'm sure things will slowly sort themselves out with time, don't think so much okay. rmb to text or call me if there's anything. 10:23 PM
*yawn* i'm quite tired. later meeting irene & gang to practice at RP our secret place (: ohh man stretching again nooooooooooooo. lol. Went out and dine with dad's friend yest night and had seafood at Owen's restaurant, the seafood there was * thumbs-up *. i ate quite alot thus the intense running this morning to lessen my guilt LOL! hmmmm i think we ordered 10 osyters (which was my 1st time trying it, but it wasn't as nice as i expected maybe it's the way they prepared it), fish, crab. drunken prawns, vegetables, chicken...? omg i ate until i wana puke super duper bolated. thanks dad for the treat. (: tomorrow's off to sam's mom's place to trim my hair. sigh, im still contemplating. should i highlight or not..? Yes? No? Dunno? ??? 10:22 AM
Monday, February 9, 2009
Met up with sec frens at friday and it spells FANTASTIC!! went ps to walk around and meet up with caifang and pengna for dinner at Fish and Co. most importantly Sarah CAME!! ya all of us were super excited because she went MIA for quite some time. we gossiped, went into a crazed state, and crapped alot ( somehow with sarah around we always get to relive the past memories of 4e5 ) didn't take pictures at that day because someone claimed that he had badhair day lol. long delayed neoprint pictures are uploaded yo :) so glad that we've finally managed to meet up. thank god. sigh. too bad shihui had to leave earlier but never mind i guess because next outing will be coming right up very soon. HAHAH. ![]() ![]() ![]() it was something i used to be so addicited to. 11:46 AM
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
went back to RP to practice dance, and in the end we ended up doing more of stretching exercises than practicing the steps. lol. seems like i'm the most inflexible among them, i suck at stretching la okay happy...? all of them are like snake especially cat and irene tan, joan's not bad too. i reckon my bone's too hard - maybe it's piano's fault. lol . all of us collapsed after doing 1 minute of 'bridge'( push-up position using arms to support ), how on earth can we survive 2 minutes of it this at anan's class. i HATE doing bridge. tomorrow's tanning session at dom's house but i wearing shirt so cannot tan much lol. yes swimming!! woohoo!! :) 10:32 PM
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Lappy's finally coming home tomorrow!! yes new LCD screen woohoo!! my screen's not shaky anymore, no more bitching at those who touches it. i promise. * grins * this week's a busy week, piano tomorrow + library session with ky..? , tues job hunting with yr and reggae practice at rp, weds gathering at dom house swimming preferably..? lol i wana get tanned. thurs reggae lesson. friday's secondary gathering & i CAN'T WAIT!! :) you talk as if you're always right, you don't even leave us a chance to explain. you claimed that we're able to reason out with you, but are you really prepared to listen to what we've got to say? it's hightime that i should be doing some retifying, ive been delaying it for a little too long. i just hope communication breakdown bewteen us'll be resolved soon. 10:55 PM