Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Went back to fajar to take my testimonal met up with pam dearest and the rest mini lunched with them and we had so much to talk but so little time. but never mind because i know we will meet up very soon. :) Met up with caifang, pengna, shihui and weixian for the longest of time. it really has been eons since we last met can. my goodness. of course all were so high when we saw each other dine at pizza hut and chatted alot. so glad that most of them didn't change even if they did i think all of us turned more matured oh yes caifang drove us to lot 1 woots! so cool man. Promised myself to learn theory for driving after i finish my theory exams at november..? after which we went to arcade to play and took neo prints will upload them once i pass them to weixian. LOL! maybe because of the fact that pengna brought her NEPHEW along so all of us felt super old can... takecare of a 6yr old kid..? hahahah! after which all left leaving me weixian and shihui so we went to library to rot and chat. played lame games with them which almost killed both shihui and weixian. HAHAHA! cool right my games..? * grin * oh yes before i forgot weixian now learned to shoot people more jialat are arrrr... lols never mind will get my revenge some other day muhaha! in short today was super duper fun. looking forward to meet up real soon. :) 9:07 PM
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Random right now. just recovered from a mood swing a while ago. did 4 sets of composition of songs today super brain dead right now tired too. sigh. sometimes i really feel that i don't understand myself at all. sad to say but it's true? i get so caught up with my emotions that i feel like shutting myself away from friends inorder for me to maintain my cool. i'm experiencing different types emotions coupled together at 1 go & it's freaking frustrating trust me. i mean i get irritated easily when people talk as if they know me so well..? just because they know me for some period of time they deem that i'm that type of person based on their judgements from my past. i dislike people constanly coming to me asking for my advice and then everytime in the end they reject whatever that i've said and holding strongly on to their option. i mean if they're so confident that what they think is right then why bother to come and tell me about it. it's the dumb-est thing to do. really. i need time to cool down. alone. whatever mentioned above is true they're not targeted at anyone in particular, just sharing what i feel deep inside. sometimes i feel we're all not being ourselves. we're just being someone whom people expect us to be be it parents or friends. and it sucks to be someone whom you're not, i feel suffocated & it drains me out totally. i'm not trying to get your attention or being emotional, i'm just trying to convey the maybe im a complicated person afterall. 7:40 PM
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Today was science problem was quite easy..? but then faci decided to gave us a suprise and the slides we prepared to present was all jumbled up. I ended up taking dominic's slide which was the slide where i needed to do alot of explanation on..? fuck. i was dumbfounded when it was my turn to talk on his slide faci purposely did this, duh so freaking obvious. i really " enjoyed" presenting my slides man. it was SO DAMN FUN. thank god i managed to crap it through. alright gtg damn tired. nights. 10:01 PM
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
i don't know why but i just feel so drained out. i have no mood for anything, and everything. i'm 9:27 PM
Sunday, September 21, 2008
I'm so brain dead, after doing corrections on my theory papers and 1 set of 2004 paper. lesson's gonna be 2 hours this week super intensive. PMS shit is seriously getting into me. i get tired & agitated easily, moodswings are staying with me for sure. sigh. hopefully by tomorow my mood will be better, i don't wish to lose my cool in class. seriously i HATE the me i am right now at this period. Stumble this interesting post from zhong ming's blog. it's quite true for me on some parts though. :) Step 1 : Hold your hands together, as if you were praying. Look at your hands. If you see Left thumb is below the right thumb ---> left brain Right thumb is below the left thumb ---> right brain 2. Fold your arms in front of you (as if you are angry) Right arm above left arm ---> left brain Left arm above right arm ---> right brain Based on 1+2 (order important), below is the interpretation of your personality: Right-Left: Considerate, traditional, indirect type can instinctively read other's emotion, and respond friendly by natures. Although not very into taking initiatives in moving forward, but this person will always take a step back in supporting others. Stable personality and considerate, give others a being protected feeling. But the weakness is they cannot say no; regardless how unwilling they are, they will take care of others. Right-Right: Loves challenges type Straightforward. Once they decided on one thing, will take action right away. Very curious, and love challenges. Dare to face dangers without thinking through (sometimes foolishly). Their weakness is they don't listen to others, will filter in only what whey want to hear in a conversation, and very subjective. However, because of their straightforward attitude, they tend to be fairly popular. ( bold words, they're spot on ) Left-Left: Dedicated, cold, perfectionist. Very logical in all aspects. The only way to defeat (or win over) him/her is through reasons. Has a lot of prides, and feeling strongly about doing the right thing. If they are your friends, they are very trustworthy. However, if they are your opponents, they will be very tough to deal with. Because they can be very 'anal' as a perfectionist, they usually leave a bad impression of being hard to deal with when first met. Left-Right: Likes to take care of others, leader type. Has a cool and keen observation ability to see through situations, yet still can be considerate in others needs. Because of their cool and calm nature, and strong sense of responsibility, they tend to become head of a group. Popular among people. However, they may not be able to help themselves in meddling because they want to take care of others too much. Very concerned about how others view them, and always on alert. i'm a Right-Right :) 6:30 PM
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Went out with yanlin today ate korean dish irene was with her friends don't want date us anymore AWWWWWW ~ ~~. never mind she will get it from me on monday hahaha. ate crazy berry crepe while yanlin ate chocolate flavoured at cini omg it was simply delicious!! :) ![]() Yummy! :) THANKS to shihui and peilin dearies for the beautiful necklace, it's very very nice i loved it!! Muacks! ![]() ![]() ![]()
Ta-dang!! SO COOL!
9:52 PM
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Woohoo!! Happy Birthday To ME!!! :) finally i'm 18th.. omgomg i've waited for ages can. but was tired as i slept at 1 yesterday due to wishes on text messages, special thanks to shawn (for keeping me awake yesterday, if not i would missed pam dearest call) and irene for wishing me exactly on 12am. * touched, sniff sniff * :) Okok met up with gang as usual in the morning went school, entered class and Alif gave me a bag filled with loads of CHOCOLATES!! hahaha inside contained 3 cabury hazelnut, 3 crunchy( caramel + choco) from diary milk, 3 small boxes of ferro roche & 1 box dove choco. I think i'm going to store them inside my fridge slowly eat lol so many different types to choose..? LOL! thanks alif!! next, went 2nd break and met up with yanlin went to her class to pick her up.. ahem before proceeding to w1 to lunch without irene and yinghui as irene wanted to meet friend. so lunched with yl and caiyang. after which yl took her lappy saying that she want to come to my class and do her work so i didn't have 2nd thoughts about it. then backed to my class, then yl went to toilet and i was waiting like forever for her to come back while discussing with my team on my ppt. after a while i noticed something was wrong she was taking too long la, then my door opened, all of them stood outside chee mun held a cake in his hands omg!! and i was shocked can awwwww... so sweet of them!! all super good actors ar!! because there was no movements in the morning no nothing furthermore yl told me " don't expect too much uhh " then they started singing birthday song and my class sang along too!! awww mannn i was sooo touched by their spontaneous-ness...? and w34f's effort for the suprise! thanks guys I LOVE YOU!! :) oh ya was sabo-ed la, stupid irene pushed the cake to my face when i was trying to pick out candle using my mouth and my hands was being locked by razmi assss!! lol, but anyway i still love u guys muacks! w34f rocks uhh!! :) didn't take any pictures that is the sad part sigh. but nevermind i guess whatever that happened today will be inside my memory for as long as i live! =) last but not least, i wish to thank all those people who wished me, stayed up for me, bought pressies for me, called me around 12 plus despite needing to go school today, texed me, those who msned me a big big.. THANK YOUUUUUUUU :) !! Ps: Really really appreciated everything you guys did for me !! :) DInnerIng with famIlY... .. ![]()
Thanks a lot dad for the treat! loves! :)
6:58 PM
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Lalalala today i'm in quiet a good mood because i don't need to stress myself AT ALL! was in the team as darli, and 2 more guys who was absent thank god faci merged us with another group muhaha! thanks to shawn uhh my brain was on holiday today most of the time but i did my part on explaining alright. oh yes agnes you're soooo damn cute man!! forever so bubbly!! loved the team's dynamic. woots! :) alright another few more hours to my day weee~ ~ just hope that tomrow enterprize faci don't gl me or else... .. she'll get it from me!! LOL! like real la me. muhahahah omgomg i'm like so hyper now but i'm also super tired. XD well well i'm sooooo excited for tomrrow woohoo!! :) 8:31 PM
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Met pl again and headed to same place but this time i was the one jogging she hurt her leg thus unable to run. get well soon dear!! i ran alone for 3 laps but she was there to push me for the last round if not i sure slacked muhahah. oh yes we went inside 7-11 to get drinks then i noticed there was BEES flying around omg one of them almost knocked my head la thank god i was alert enough. needless to say i immediately dashed out of the store so i would like to thank her for being such a brave soul staying inside 7-11 to get my peach tea for me when i was waiting outside. LOL! i love you pl!! :) sigh so stressed about my theory mannn so much to do so much to memorize but so little time. looks like i need to add oil already. jy to px!! :) 4:56 PM
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Among the many things that happened in the past, 1 particular question stayed throughout all these while... .. Did we ever once loved? 7:48 PM
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Omg. so dead tired right now, didn't sleep well yesterday due to stomach upset due to the evil coffee and green tea i drank and i had a piece of beancurd for dinner with alot of chili. LOL! my stomach not angry then funny can. anyways had enterprize today the module which i agrhhhhh... never mind. oh yes today's shawn's birthday. Happy Birthday Shawny!! :) LOL! bet he enjoyed himself today so many people celebrated for him uhh. i'm dying , my eyes are closing . i think my bed is calling me ~ ~ nights! 8:53 PM
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Alright. today was cognitive which sucked a big time. truth is: i almost died thank god i survived. and during 2nd break i malued myself bought watermelon milk and while poking the straw in i spilled the cup infront of everyone. sigh. everyone looked at me can awwwwww so embarassed. the stall aunty said " girl you don't go ar, use water and rinse the floor for me~ ~ " OMG. i felt like digging a hole and hide can. needless to say i was laughed at irene and cai yang " you forever clumsy wan can " awwww. as usual met pl at park area didn't bring my hp with me. and i waited at the traffic light for her around 6.30. I waited and waited.... & waited. then i realized something wasn't right thank god mom gave me cash so i used it to call her using public pone and in the end we met she was waiting at the traffic light right infront of me. OMG. i swear i didn't see her can and i realized that i waited for like 30 mins. LOL my goodness i didn't know i had so much patience. really. went 3 rounds at a faster pace due to time constrain damn kuku man. like so drama muhahahah! ok i'm tired. sleepy already. night ~ ~ I realized a simple action from you is enough to make me smile the whole day. 9:21 PM
Monday, September 8, 2008
Communications today wasn't too bad faci was quite nice though (: oh yes lost to stupid shawn today, 1 cup of watermelon juice awwwww~ ~ next time don't wana bet with him already lol. teamed with yurong, caroline, shree, and yu qiang, hahahah laughed and crapped alot was fun laaaa ~ ~ presentation i was trying hard not to laugh due to some personal matter which i find it really hard not to laugh. bit my lips and fought hard to suppress it but i still can't control sigh. oh man i'm sooooo bad i must be a good girl from tomorrow onwards. I hope I can do it. (: PS: If you see me smiling to myself and know what the heck i'm laughing about please remind me to stop it. thank you! They were right , absoloutely right. Indeed, I was a fool. 7:35 PM
Saturday, September 6, 2008
You won’t cry for my absence, I know - You forgot me long ago. Am I that unimportant...? Am I so insignificant...? Isn’t something missing? Isn’t someone missing me? Even though I’d be sacrificed, You won’t try for me, not now. Though I’d die to know you love me, I’m all alone. Isn’t someone missing me? 9:28 PM
Went jogging with pl today in the morning, 4 rounds not bad got improvement muhahaha!! claps claps (: after which i went home and showed for super long lol i think around 40 mins. LOL! yaya i know waste water ~ then here i'm blogging now chatting online omg it's so boring .... .. I AM ROTTING!!! 12:53 PM
Friday, September 5, 2008
Okay today was all about maths my goodness~ ~ I almost fainted man thank god the faci was not too bad but I still miss ex faci( alfred !!!) lol teamed with douglas, john and dinish all guys i 1 girl lol. Initially tot it was gonna be hard to communicate but overall was still not bad although in the middle of discussion i struggled due to my group's advance speed on discussion on worksheet and ppt. i was apparently sandwiched between dinish and dougals and was freaking lost in my own world. thank god they're helpful enough to guide me and explain to me over and over again due to my stm ( short term memory) it acted up again. Thanks guys :) muhahaha! anyway was affected by some personal matters earlier just now almost didn't have to mood to digest the ppt we did. Sigh. skipped my 1st break and 2nd break too worse thing was i didn't felt hungry at all. went home and that was when i felt nauseous, this always happens whenever i skip lunch. nvm getting used to it will be fine i guess. it doesn't feel right. but it finally ended. 8:36 PM
Thursday, September 4, 2008
well well well. today was 2nd day of my life at w34h. sigh. i still MISS W34F truckloads. :( but never mind because i made new friends today again lol agnes same gp as me yesa! we laugh nonstop can. today lesson's about.. science related to physics ( which i effing HATE ) thank god i didn't died halfway. LOL! then during presentations i was laughing like a retard. slience laughter makes me retarded. especially when some guys presented omg i was biting my lips 2 control my laughter muhahahaha. well that's about all i'm tired now. nights :) 9:36 PM
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Jogged with pl at cck park this morning. owe her 1 pink dolphin lol. 3 rounds only and was already feeling quite breathless i need more training man. where the hell did my stamina gone to? LOL. after which went back home bathe and called kwan yi up to c if she want to catch wall E with me and we WENT! omg wall E is sooooo CUTE!! Eve and him tsktsk super competible they're so sweettttttttt~ ~ ~ :) tomrow starting school sigh. so not in the mood to do so actually but i'm left without a choice. CHOICELESS. sigh. i'm sick & tired of feeling down due to sudden mood swings. sick and tired of and having to deal with personal stuffs and myself. really. Sometimes ignorance can be bliss. 8:31 PM