Friday, August 29, 2008
I am so tired & bored right now. Think i'm going to sleep early tonight. I'm having headache :( Falling in love with someone, is something i try hard not to lest getting hurt. Again. For people to know the real me, try to undestand me though somtimes it's difficult but don't judge me. You don't really understand what exactly this post is talking about? HAHAH! try reading it again. (: 6:35 PM
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Went to see fireworks at marina again yesterday with W34f peeps, i bet razmi enjoyed himself a lot didn't he birthday boi. (: 15 mins firework was awesome so so beautiful can omg. then afterwhich had dinner again then trained home, took the red line together with muqsit. aww i so good accompanied him until amk after which i was alone thank god didn't died of loneliness. LOL. oh yes imagine if human can teleport that would be soo cool can. muhahah! then got home chat with irenee until 2 then "poof" off to my lala land too tired. now rotting at home nothing much to do yes tomrow off to yinghui's house! ~ ~ chanced upon this article though while i was surfing net. its about my horoscope traits. :) super accurate woots! Virgo Fun Facts With an acute attention to detail, Virgo is the sign in the Zodiac most dedicated to serving. Their deep sense of the humane leads them to caregiving like no other, and their methodical approach to life ensures that nothing is missed. The Virgo is often gentle and delicate, preferring to step back and analyze before moving ahead. ( hmm.. agrees most with the 2nd half of last sentence) Friends and Family A Virgo is a helpful friend to have indeed. They are excellent at giving advice, and they really know how to problem-solve. You'll find that a Virgo will remind you to take good care of yourself as health is a focal point for them. And when the meal is done, they'll be the first to jump up and start the dishes. Loving and dedicated to family, the Virgo is also first on the scene when care is needed. When someone reaches old age or is ill, the Virgo will be there doing all that is needed. The Virgo is not known for showing feelings. They would prefer to show through deed than by word. Career and Money I analyze is the key phrase for the Virgo personality, while practicality is the keyword. Industrious, discriminating, and scientific by nature, the Virgo really knows how to get to the heart of the matter. They are exceptionally methodical and do well in jobs that require organization. If there's anything out of order, set a Virgo to the task! When focused on a task, the Virgo will push it to perfection, leaving no stone unturned. They are exacting and take great pride in a job done to the absolute best of their ability. When they feel their talent falls short, they'll turn to the books to learn whatever they need to improve. Careers suited to this sign include being a doctor, nurse, psychologist, teacher, writer, and critic. Virgos are excellent with their money. They generally keep a strict grasp on what they spend and strive to put away as much money as they can. They plan well in advance for expenditures, and when it comes to shopping, they aren't apt to overspend. Every now and then, the Virgo can be seen buying something of beauty, though. They love the arts and enjoy decorating their homes with taste. Love It's important for Virgo lovers to feel needed by their mates. Outside of the bedroom is where the majority of foreplay is going to happen for this sign. Tactile, methodical, and willing to take as long as is needed, they make excellent lovers. Even though the Virgo won't express many words of love, they will show their affections in the bedroom. Virgos prefer to have a few strong connections rather than many partners. Life partners are chosen based on how important and needed the Virgo feels they are in their lives. They are dedicated spouses that love to live on the wild side once in a while. VIRGO's Health Each sign has a part of the anatomy attached to it, making this the area of the body most sensitive to stimulation. The anatomical areas for Virgo are the intestines, liver, pancreas, gall bladder, lower plexus, and the upper bowel. Ruling Planet The ruling planet for Virgo is Mercury. Representing intellectual urges and the avenue of expression, this planet rules reason, rationalization, words, awareness, and communication. Its action is quick, and it also deals with travel, speaking, writing, trade, and emotional capacity and technique. Colors The colors of choice for Virgo are green, white, and dark brown. Gemstone Virgo's star stone is the sardonyx - the reddish brown variety. Jade is also lucky. Compatibility Virgos are most compatible with Capricorn and Taurus. Opposite Sign - The opposite sign of Virgo is Pisces. The Perfect Gift Virgos are picky and hate others making a fuss. Take them out to eat at their favorite restaurant. Buy them some of their favorite spirits. Good-quality blue agave tequila is generally much admired. Virgo women cannot resist flowers. Likes Cleanliness, animals, healthy foods, books, nature Dislikes Taking center stage, rudeness, asking for help House Natural sign of the Sixth House. This house focuses on health, perfection, service given, skilled work, and pets. Strengths Practical, loyal, hardworking, analytical, kind Weaknesses Worry, shyness, overly critical of self and others, all work and no play Charismatic marks A certain, reserved manner marks the classic Virgo. Virgos are generally medium to slight in build. Best environment Virgo is most at home in the company of animals and close to nature. Virgo likes power and enjoys being the sidekick or indispensable assistant. 1:41 PM
Thursday, August 21, 2008
somehow it doesn't feel the same anymore. 8:11 PM
Monday, August 18, 2008
Went to tampines today with taufiq, muqsit, razmi and yanlin. it was super far for me and dearest(yanlin) can we almost died inside the train due to boreness. needless to day razmi and hambit was late, poor taufiq sat there all alone but me and yl went to his rescue!! :D walked around went to see taufiq's hat and then lunched nasi lemak( guys wanted us 2 make decision for lunch but ended up their decision -.- ) after that taufiq left awwwww.. we 4 went to orchard to shop for muqsit's havannias. & i've come to a conclusion hambit can be really irritating at times. LOL! went shopping and ended up i didn't get anything instead we helped muqsit and razmi bought stuffs instead. and yes yanlin praised hambit handsome when he was in the shirt that i picked for him woots (he claimed it was too big..? but i thought it look really nice )!! so cool ~ ~ of course la my taste very good wan okay!!! (: and then razmi bought his checked shirt but then we paid for it because it was his birthday present in advanced! =) all going out to bugis tomrow with doris!! today and tomrow will be a great day :) nights! 9:34 PM
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Stayed home the whole day today, can't be more bored. oh yes i've successfully played " Blind " piano version by Lifehouse i'm so HAPPY!! :) was listening to it yesterday night easily 10 over times but unable to play because was late night then this afternoon i used about 1 hour to figure out the chords and keys, was abit of challange because the person who recorded in youtube recorded it by the side so everything looked the same to me. LOL! thank god i'm able to catch it after a few attempts on the piano yippee!! sooooo happy..tsktsktsk px is sooo smart!! potential pianist? XD erm the link is this.. enjoy! :) and i've just finished my poem took me around 1 hour plus though. it somehow describe my emotions for these few days. sigh. don't know why but it's not been really good. standard's have dropped abit i guess have not been penning any poems after the last one earlier this year around jan or feb. well enough said. here's it... .. So many thoughts running across my head, maybe there’s really words’ being left unsaid. Looking back maybe I’m the one responsible for all these which I landed myself in. Tried to ignore them, wrestled with my pillow trying to let it go, Only to realized that I’ve actually lost the ability to control long ago. I loathe myself for my inability to know myself well enough. Ignored persistent thoughts by immersing myself with other stuffs. Feeling utterly helpless as my inner voice screams out for truth in agony. The way it cries for an answer the way it begged me. The yearning for an honest answer & confusion inside my mind, Is something not easy to suppress within me, I don’t deny. 7:16 PM
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Last day of school today ): last day of W34F peeps gathering together. sigh cognitive lesson was back to learning & we skipped as a class. LOL see how united are we as a class..? went to library and slacked and played piano took lots of photographs with the class, memories which i'll never be able to forget i guess. thinking of spiltting W34f up just so so saddening. after so much we've gone through as a class, after going through happiness, sadness and even through conflicts with each other, we are finally going seperate ways. the thought of bumping w34f peeps once again in campus and saying " hey, hi! and then bye! " is soooooooo awfully depressing. SIGH. friends around me are also not in very good mood either sigh. to my dearest irene please cheer up!! don't be so down ya most importantly don't think too much ( don't be a 2nd px okay! lol) sigh. i'm feeling so mood out right now & am confused on whatever million, zillion emotions/thoughts that's inside me. the feeling that i'm feeling is seriously overwhelming me. 9:19 PM
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Saturday ( 9th august national day! ) Got backed from marina bay reached home around 11.40..? awww felt guilty for coming back so late these few days especially today. thank god dad never said anything appreciate your kind understanding :) went and eat pasta mania with zul yinghui and yanlin, all ordered their share and i ordered the " new item( doris fish )" on the menue and guessed what IT SUCKED & i had donations from yanlin's baked rice and ying hui's cabonara. LOL thank you yl & yh!! after which muqsit & razmi joined us and we walked to marina bay walked here and there hoping to find somewhere where fireworks can be seen. and in the end we watched at the bridge hahaha so coool !! fireworks was SUPER COOL MAN!!! so pretty sia omgomg it lasted around 10 mins.? then it stopped & we walked back into the mall, den suddenly * bang bang bang * we faster rushed out of the mall and saw fireworks on display again for a few seconds and then it stopped. walked back to the mall again and then... *firework sounds again* again we ran out & saw little bit of fireworks and it really ended. so kuku can run in and out so many times. after that we went burger king to eat as razmi & hambit was hungry zul ate the choco pie, we girls didn't eat then zul made the " awww face" because we didn't want to eat his choco pie, his face was damn funny can OMG, made me laugh until i almost chocked on my water. then we went shopping..? zul started his madness on poking us like random la lol, yan ling kena alot of times, den after that target me wth!! monday he's gonna get it from me. i and yl chased after him for revenge until super tired HAHAHA but fun la..awww gonna miss this class's guys... but nvm cos i noe we will definitely keep in contact. :) lets continue my story then we went starbucks to rest, this time round muqsit started disturbing me from resting i was so freaking tired can sick leh stil kacau me tsktsk evil hambit!! lol thanks zul for helping us take warm water! rest and took photograph for a while then went backed. oh yes!! i found a new way of saying rebel by the way credit goes to muqsit lol it's pronounced as RE- BLE same as treble (tre- ble). cool right? HAHA. well below are the photos.. .. OMG!! FIREWORKS!!! what's he doing..?
Zul and the fireworks!
me, yinghui and yanlin :) say cheese!! =)
aren't we cool! LOL Zul, razmi and muqsit XD group photo!! HAHAHAH my god, why snap me while on the pone..? Guys love to play don't they..? zul & yanlin resting after playing catching.. hahah! see what happens when they're bored..? Razmi: I've got an idea!! * ding *
12:10 AM
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Sigh. been feeling emo and easily irritated lately, thus i deduce it's PMS ahhh...holy shit. this is the period when i'm super sensitive, suffer mood swings, and hot tempered. sorry if at any time i jump at you guys, i'm sorry!! :( well, skipped science today aww felt guilty about it, headed towards town as zul's able to make it muqsit didn't make it though, even though we skipped class and stuffs thought he might join us later in the afternoon but no returned calls from him. went shopping wit razmi , zul, irene, yanlin, yinghui, zul met us later as he went back to settle some stuffs while all of them accompanied me to new urban male to get my havaianas, the person was quite intimidating at first his face was quite fierce..? plus his body was those buffed type so i though he was difficult to talk with, was hoping anoher friendier guy to serve me but he kept standing around my area aww... no choice lurh. Irene helped me to choose my sandal's size while i kept complainging the size was not right..? couldn't find the right size because i wasn't willing to let him help me. finally after i was frustrated with wrong sizes i accepted his help lol, let him see my size and he immediately took the perfect size for me , felt so malu man, don't know still so stubborn lol! but anyway after which he was quite friendly & i took my own sweet time choosing and trying all colours :)got red coloured in the end (which the salesperson felt that it suited me but i didn't take into consideration ) moral of story listen to the person who's serving you. LOL after buying my stuff, zul came and we wen to acc him & razmi to shop woohoo, by then i was super tired. zul bought 2 shirts which cost around 90 plus..? rich sey!! lolol! after which we walked to taka and shopped and have short break ate snacks and yanlin insisted on having pepper lunch for dinner. in the end we really had pepper lunch for dinner and i said something stupid which made zul made fun of me AWWWWW... all of them kept laughing at me!!! :( after dinner we send zul to work by shopping in far east. we went to skin's shop and guess what..? I bought another concealer from skin shop awww..spend money again $17 fly away again~ ~ ~ lol but nvm la. last but not least i bought a pair of earrings. woohoo so cool! went home after that was caught in the rain but it was fun we were going crazy, went inside the train and almost went seperate ways yinghui & razmi, irene alone, me and yanlin. in the end while we( me , irene and yanlin) went out of the train, i felt something funny, then when i turned ( "doors closing toot toot toot" ) i was razmi and yinghui dashing out of the train, was shocked because so sudden then i saw my beloved new urban male bag on razmi's hand. LOL thank god man if not i'll leave it on the floor! omgomg. then the train came yl decided to take with razmi and yinhui, before i knew it i turned around and saw yanlin rushing in and " doors closing toot toot toot toot " yl tried to open the door her face started to panic and the door closed infront of my face -.- in the end all 5 of us took the same train -.- so dramatic can. today was tiring but super fun!! :) below are the pictures taken enjoy~~ lol ![]() we girls waiting for the guys >.< Zul eating... yummy! ![]() smiles :) ![]() razmi's first time using chopsticks muhahah! ![]() yanlin and yinghui =) ![]() yinghui and irene posing for the cam XD ![]() me. HAHA! awwww so poor thing. no we never bully him. really. on the way back. 5 of us back AGAIN ON THE SAME TRAIN :D
10:44 PM
Monday, August 4, 2008
i'm gonna be sick REAL SOON. old problem acting up, nose going to be infected soon ( might need antibiotics again), sore throat and migraine oh no~ ~ ~ furthermore today we ate rubbish in class pure trash ( chips, chocolates, chocolate biscuits, twisties ) and i'm not getting enough rest especially my mind. somehow i feel something's happening. but yet i'm afraid. 11:14 PM
Sunday, August 3, 2008
OMG!! i'm so tired man, went to yinghui's house today with irene, she was super duper late can lol suppose to meet at 1 end up she reached around 1.25..? tsktsk made us wait so long in popular until we almost went mad LOL! finally she came and we went to yoshinoya to makan yeeeaa~ ~ was super duper hungry can LOL! then we bought ingredients for the board lol so much things to buy can. bused to her house reached around 3.30 start work, me and yinghui started to draw, cut and paste the alphabets on " happy birthday" omg can die can i was almost pasting and peeling the alphabets la peel until i went crazy, yh didn't peel at all she say it was too diff. -.- 1st part irene was so "xin nang" ( easy life in hokkien) can sing song like open concert and edit pictures only while me & yh slogging it out. after which we went downstairs and print and.... .. the pictures couldn't be printed size was wrong wth man!! poor irene logged on to yh's msn and disturbed people hahaha so fun man, sorry i was too bored, really.. lol 2nd time wen went down thank god it was able to print out and we started to chiong because it was already 6 plus shit man time's running out! was hungry but then yh's mom came back and went and tabao dinner for us char kuay tiao for me and irene while yh ate laksa LOL. awwww thank you yh's mom so sweet of you! :) by the time we finished everything we were dead tired. oh yes thank god yinghui made us laugh by showing us her old pictures damn funny can got one of her pic was center parting hairstyle so kuku man lol. read her primary school diary too, there was one part which was so idiotic it stated " if you lost this book, please tell me and pay $6.35 " LOLOL!! damn funny can. miss those primary school day's awwww.... .. touched up around 8 15 tsktsk one whole day gone for my dear yanlin :) I'm proud of my girls ( irene and yinghui) we did a SUPERB JOB!! THANKS GIRLS MUACKS! :) below is the picture we took.. .. Our FINALIZED BOARD!! =) ![]() ![]() i know i know it's SO freaking nice .. (:
i'm starting to doubt myself over you... ..
10:45 PM
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Ok we didn't managed to go out today sorry girls... postpone to tomorrow hopefully clarke Quey for lunch with irene, yanling, & yinghui!! yesa!! super duper boring can chatted with yinghui and hambit and razmi LOL! seriously speaking yinghui 's making me mad, bringing out the insanity in me. Mixing with Yinghui = losing myself & my sanity. period. went town with zul, yanlin, muqsit, yinghui and razmi and i think we girls were aww-ing thoughout the whole journey and they complained us for being mafan and noisy!!! AWWWW......LOL had subway for dinner so much people can wth. went back around 9 plus..? i waited until 10 15 before i successfuly squeeze into the bus & i concluded somthing singaporeans are really KIASU. i had been waiting there for like 45 mins.. and those people who just walked to the bustop ran the moment they saw their bus, they ran like nobody's business man, hello you think what, 2.4km test ar..? fine they reached already nvm it's so freaking obvious the bus cannot be squeeezed up la..and they kept push~ ~ push~ ~ push~ ~ especially those aunties -.- omg faints* been thinking alot these few days, those who have relationship have problems, those who don't have relationship also have their own problems. WTH!! Single's the best..? seems like the best way out, compared to in a relationship = more problems & they're endless trust me. Don't plunge into a relationship if you're not ready for it- Mr Ng. after much thinking I think this statement is absolutely right. 3:24 PM