Monday, June 30, 2008
lesson sucked a big time today. it was supposed to be SUPER FUN i mean c'mon it's Danny's class hello!! grouped with muqsit, taufiq, hanisah and you di. as usual he did all the information research and we had nothing to do. even if we found something or suggest a idea we had to conform to whatever he thinks is right. i feel so out of breath in today's group :( he told us to get pictures so mi went and find them i really racked my brains and tried to find pictures that suits the points on the slides and when sumitted to him he didn't use it because he claimed that the pictures are not relevant because of the colours it couldn't be seen. WTH!! i was so so pissed. then he told us to find again by then it was almost our turn to present and he mumbled " nobody's doing so i'm finding it by myself " WHAT!! s we're not humans la he's treating us like animal what's with his freaking sense of superiority man. it's all about team work not SOLO for goodness sake. How can there be group work when one decides to have his way no matter what the other members think..? MY GOD. i was also upset by the fact that my sister is so freaking inconsiderate, don't she know how to turn down the volume after watching her stupid cartoon, is she so freaking blind that she can't see that i'm pracitcing the god damned pieces? honesty speaking i don't enjoy tormenting myself by playing it over and over again but i've to do it because exams is just 23 days' away . so STOP SHOWING EVERYONE YOUR F**KING ATTITUTE, YOU'RE NOT A PRINCESS STOP FANTASIZING. WAKE UP MAN. last but not least i hope that you'll be more SENSIBLE. 9:19 PM
Sunday, June 29, 2008
1.Three days from now, will you be ain relationship? ** ehh don think so. LOL! What color are your eyes? ** dark brown, so cool~ ~ ~ !! 3. What does your second text message say? ** will call you when i reach there. 4. How do you think your ex feels about you? ** ... 5. Do you like what you see in themirror? ** hmmm..okok not too bad.. lol 6. What are you listening to right now? ** I stay in love- mariah carey 7. What were you doing 46 seconds ago? ** doing this survey la... -.- 8. What are your plans for this weekend? ** nothing much i guess. 9. What are you doing tomorrow? ** going to school ahhhh~ ~ ~ 10. What is your display name? ** Xuan. :) 14. What are you wearing right now? ** tee & shorts. 16. How is your hair? ** straight, i'm lovin it!! LOL! 17. As of today, do you like anyone? ** ehhh..yes..? 18. Have you kissed anyone on the lips within the past 24 hours? ** nope. 19. Have you ever stayed awake for 48hours? ** yes during chalet..LOL so cool man. 21. Do you like your first name? ** hahah yes2. .22. Do you like to cuddle? ** depending on who's the person. LOL. 23. What is your initial? ** Px. 24. Ever been skinny dipping? ** Nope. .27. What is one thing you have learned this year? ** not to get too attatched to things to prevent getting hurt again. 28. Are you from a small town? ** don't know..? 30. Why do people continue to smoke when they know the effects of it? ** they're addicited to it. .31. What color are the curtains in yourroom? ** dark bluish green..? .32. If you had the chance, would youmove to another country? ** YES ! Venice! 33. What time did you get up this morning? ** around 10..? 34. Eyeliner or mascara? ** EYELINER!! =) 36. What color pants are you wearing? ** i said shorts already. -.- 37. Are you wearing shoes? ** not now. 46. What is the temperature? ** super hot erm 39 degrees..? LOL 47. Have you ever been to counseling? ** by friends yes, real counselling NO. .48. Last time you had a fling? ** never. no pre-maritial sex please. -.- 49. What kind of cell phone do you have? ** panasonic.will be changing soon. 50. Last time someone made you laughed hard? ** erm.. 2 days ago..? whenever i'm with my girlfriends. they simply ROCK!! :D we said let go but i kept on hanging on But inside I know it's over you're really gone. 3:16 PM
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Went to esperenza III yesterday together with shihui, sarah, peilin and pam and insyirah . Picked irah and pam at cultural center to the canteen, listened to juniors sing while rehearsing it was not too bad for beginners but they could do so much better, i felt partly responsible for not bing able to coach them in accappella because of my timing in school which ends around 4.30 by the time i reach FJSS choir have already ended i guess. (will try to take part in upcoming accappella performance as alumni alright as promised) Did take some pictures while waiting for performance to start. whole gang of us were cam whoring all the way :) Ps: wanted to pose stupider poses but it will look so unglam so we didn't take LOL!
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Performance was superb! Fjss's band's standard was still there hahaha as for my beloved choir i'm so proud of you guys for having the courage to perform on stage despite being juniors. Keep it up guys :) okay now for the unglam part i admit pam and I were squealing like mad when we saw ridzuan (alumni saxaphone player) swaying away while playing solo on stage. we were going kuku can omg so insane while sarah who was sitting beside me kept laughing at me because i was like" omg! wo yao fong diao le! " which means omg i'm going crazy! it's not only me okays peilin thought he was good too, so charasmatic. LOL. saw someone whom we didn't really wana see at the concert. the sight of him reminds me of the past which i'm reluctant to remember i hate the way he acts nonchalant after what he've said and did to me. I seriously freaking HATE it. 11:23 PM
Thursday, June 26, 2008
okays!! as promised.. these are the few pictures we took..enjoy :)
pam dan and me at sentosa!! PAM AND ME!! (= Can you guess which is my hand...? LOL
![]() yikes kena caught! ![]() Smiles we're at Fish & Co. Yummy! On the way back. cheese!! (: daniel and my daddy. =) smile guys, oh my god my dad looks so short.. woops!! him me and my sister. ( the farewell dinner) Farewell present, looks so cool right..? >.< Alright dat's about all i think. damn tired. nights! 9:21 PM
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
lalala~ ~ feeling much much muchie better today!! Thanks to all my beloved W34F peeps who cares about me love ya all!! really appreciated it (: the real px will be in class REAL SOON!! was lectured by my piano teacher badly today, said that i was super not up to standard for a grade 8 student, she said " you're just playing, not practicing there's no feeling to the piece it's rubbish " this particular sentence made me really demoralized. :( but never mind px is not so weak, will definitely practice everyday and brush up my skills and pieces. have been feeling super stressed lately because of some things which happened in class, i'm tired of always having to feel this way. I WANT TO BE A HAPPIER GIRL!!! 10:46 PM
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Dragged myself to school, was quite emo for the whole day (shhh..!! you know I know) friends all can sense that i wasn't really there although physically i'm at my seat in class. Doris, yinghui, yanling and Irene kept comforting me cheering me up. Girls if u're reading this post i would like to say thank you!! (: i shall not be biased thanks a lot to whoever in W34F who asked peixuan " how're you feeling..? " hahaha was feeling raw emotions earlier on this morning even i can't believe myself. am much better now after meeting up with Pam after school to pass her the Esperenza ticket money. We did chat for a little while as she has to rush back but she managed to knock sense to me and made me wake up. LOL maybe that's the power of your best girlfriend. :) ( thanks pammy, love ya truckloads!!) she was right i need to bounce back asap, getting too attatched to things unecessarily is not a good thing. i'm very tired physically and emotionally. totally drained out. i need rest. badly. whatever will be will be. 9:55 PM
Monday, June 23, 2008
Well had dinner with Daniel and his Dad at home around 7.00..? Ate pastas, chicken wings, pizzas and red wine. After which we continued to play piano taught him a few songs, he taught me ''unfaithful" and another song can't remember. After which slacked for a while and passed him the farewell gift. Hope he likes it wanted him to open it but he wanted to go home then open it's more fun. LOL. Was trying to suppress my feelings and tried my best to be as happy as possible. Thinking back on the 1st meeting, how we slowly opened up and be more ourselves. Finally it was time for them to leave, the tinge of sadness lingered around me all the time, it had never left. When it was really time for them to leave we took photographs for the last time, that was when I felt really really sad, don't ask me why. maybe i got too used to it. I guess it's gonna be hard contacting him when he's back in England, 7 hrs difference. my god. ok going to sleep before I start to think too much again. nights! " Why does this always happens..? Is fate playing another joke on me..? " 10:37 PM
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Watched kungfu panda earlier a while ago, it was so cool the whole story was all about beliefs and believing in yourself. SO COOL ~ ~ ~ ~!! words of wisdom that came from Master wu gui made me realized that he was right, he said " there's no bad or good news a news is a news. It's only when you believe that you can't do anything about it then only it'll become a bad news." :) So despite not having any kind of kungfu background, Po still manages to be the hero at the end of the day yippee!! =) i think i need to change my blogskin it's getting dusty, was fretting over some matters a moment ago then i decided not to think about it. sigh no point fretting over things which is not gonna happen, why should i even bother & try so hard to go to that kind of extend..? I'm not going to let history repeat itself ever again so i need to get over this and get back into reality. i know very well it's not going to be easy. If only if only.. IF only it could really happen. 8:26 PM
Friday, June 20, 2008
Was feeling random earlier this afternoon had abit of a moodswing in class( i think my face was super moody), problem statement sucked a big time almost went mad didn't know how to go about it sigh. All of classmate was feeling super lost too not only me plus I was feeling quite stressed up by personal matters and my upcoming piano practical exam, if i flunk it ( touches wood) i'll need to retake again and will be learning total new songs what the heck. Anyway after school went home to prepare myself to ready for dinner at AMK hub. was late for 5 mins dan was already waiting trained to ang mo kio and it was super squeezy he was like '' i'm going back the way i came just now ( stares at me 1 kind ) " yaya it's my fault so i apologised Queue was quite long almost wanted to go to new york new york instead but i wanted to let him try our local fish and chips as he insisted that england's fish and chip is the best. LOL it was not too bad had fish and chips and english breakfast tea which he recommanded tasted like lipton tea but more fragrant than that :) was enjoying dinner while all of a sudden he asked for vinegar and poured into his portion out of curiosity i tried it too and it tasted quite alright. Dan kept smelling he vinegar and kept tasting it with his fork, suddenly i saw him giving a weird expression and kept drinking water. then he admitted that it drank a tea spoon of vinegar LOL. out of curiosity i tried that too ya i know it's kuku but i didn't really thought that it would be so sour and in the end dat teasoon made me gluped down my tea. -.- it choked me. -.- after which we went shopping for a while and headed back home, tained back. pictures taken will be posted asap. (: me : ok i'll sms u okay. he: it's text. me: yaya text text!! LOL 11:27 PM
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Alritey just got back home not too long ago met up with dan again to watch Get Smart together with doris, yinghui, joel, cai yang. there was lots of people queueing up was lucky that there was still tickets but then the seats was super infront. the 2nd row that is omg i almost sprained my neck and the rest were also having a had time tilting their heads. but the show was super hilarious can i almost died of laughing hahaha needless to say the people kept laughing non-stop. After which we went to arcade for a while he played driving games and bought a card but i didn't know how to use the card & was trying it out by placing it hoping it would scan it..? then suddenly he used the card and scanned the machine it immediately worked LOL. he said '' looks like i'm better than you huh. " omg so malu. Next we went to pasta mania to have our dinner had pasta and pizza for him lols, it was quite squeezy though perfer lot 1 better :) then we went to night market to walk around didn't have much things 2 see when we reached lot 1. now damn tired gtg alre. Nights. hope he likes my mom's cooking tomorrow. :) 11:19 PM
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Finally got back home and done my RJ not manually is from the help of a sweet little friend. :) Irene thanks a lot!! Don't know what the heck happened to my lappy got some connection problem thanks to IT helpdesk people. WTF. Totally screwed up my VPN connection i cant even connect to my own network or set up a network. FUCK. i'm so plain tired after today's UT i think i screwed up no need to ask. Anway met up with daniel after school at woodlands was afraid that he'll lost his way but he managed to get there not bad!! hahaha after which we went and play soccer at first , but we took turns to play winner play losers out. and there were 4 teams in the waiting list can wtf. we waited like forever thank god after waiting for a while some people went back so i went and asked the people to shift to other court so that they're able to play a full court. so brave of me :) LOL joking la. I think Daniel enjoyed the game hahaha chatted when we went back had pizza hut for dinner together with clarence. Clarence was so quiet can throughout the dinner. Daniel on the other hand was more talkative LOL. (thumbs up) Anyway his sunglasses is still with me forgot to return to him hahahah kena Stm. Glad that he was happy, so tired. nights everyone. 11:17 PM
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Yesterday was a super duper busy day for me. Woke up around 8.25am and prepared myself and picked up pam from cck next headed to orchard area to pick up Daniel and his dad for touring around s'pore. we went to hawparvilla to sight see, visited temples as daniel's an architech student took photographs but it's in his dad's camera hope to get them soon!! =) next we went to labrador park to jalan jalan and we saw a wedding couple getting their photographs taken under the super hot sun, for a moment i thought they were going to get heatstroke can but love is in the air~ ~ ~ so i think they don't mind it at all hahahah. after which we went and have lunch at coffeeshop i think daniel's still not used to eating local food but at least he ate noodles :) his dad on the other hand was eating like a local hahahah. it all ended around 4.30..? we dropped them and headed home while i prepared to go to sentosa with daniel and pam. Meet up with him at harbourfront (thankgod i called irene to double confirm where was the ticketing counter..LOL) and we went dinnering at burger king chatted too. trained to sentosa again and went to musical fountain BUT it was combined together with the songs of the sea a performance) we needed to buy tickets in order to get it. WTH!! quite disappointed at first then daniel suggested to go and ride the Skyride and the Luge. I was quite interested in riding the luge but problem is im afraid of height and whatsmore it's in the night & the only was to ride the luge was to pass skyride first. dan kept saying it was fun and I was psycho-ed by him hahah so accompanied him, pam didn't go as she didn't have enough and was unwilling to let us pay for her wth. So we went and take the skyride and i totally freaked out & totally embarrassed myself i was like pulling his pants tightly ( so sorry about that daniel) and kept saying ''omg if we fall down from here we're going to die.." LOL and he was saying '' no..don't worry it's very safe it's been here for a long time.." i didn't dare to move and open my eyes at first because i have serious phobia of height can. so all the way i kept grabbing the metal bar tightly & mumbled nonsense( which is better for me not to say) until it came down from the peak then only i opened my eyes and look at the scenery it was so stunning! everything was like lighted up so BEAUTIFUL!! LUGE was super fun not scary at all you guys should try it!! :) After that we went jalan again inside vivo sports shop and music stores and headed back home. was quite tiring almost drained out 16 hours non stop woohoo!! but it was super fun enjoyed myself so i dont mind muhahaha. Hopefully able to arrange a football match for him before he flys back to england next thursday. will upload photographs asap mi can't wait too!! =) 1:38 PM
Thursday, June 12, 2008
no matter how hard you try, they still linger around in your mind. they're hard to conceal especially when it's real. 11:43 PM
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Met up with father's client's son daniel he was quite shy i think but i tried my best to be as friendly and as open as possible. Guessed he did become more open when we went and buy icecream together his father was so funny can. LOL gonna bring him around this coming friday to tour around s'pore :) Oh yes went sentosa yesterday was super fun can!! Met up with W34F 10 at harbourfront then bought tickets and headed to palawan via train. played socceer and ( grabbed ball, kena touched and u lose game ) hahah but it was fun damn i kept losing can. reaction too slow..LOL played in the water swam and water polo-ed :) but i didn't get much darker can agrhhh!!! but wasted muqsit, taufiq, hanisah and joel didn't join us because they didn't bring extra clothings. and cheemun razmi and hassan didn't join us due to work but nvm we'll have another outing soon!! =) went and watch the what animal show i think doggie was so CUTE i even patted him hahahah so cool~ ~ ~. after that we walked to siloso because some guys wanted to pose with the SILOSO wording lols. after which we went for dinner met up with razmi and he was with his ahem ahem.( wink wink). was dead tired when having dinner almost fell asleep can. after that we trained back home with doris, caiyang, clarance and yinghui was the last to reach home so when i got back was dead tired but happy. ;) will post those pictures asap because there's 100+ photos need time to pick and select hahahah. W34F outing = Super Duper FUN!! going to salon tomorrow yippee!! 11:50 PM
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Prepared the ingredients just now for tomorrow's sentosa outing!! i'll be cooking Nasi goreng hahah so high can pray hard that tomorrow won't rain if not this outing will be spoilt!! *touchwood* anyways feeling so tired after all those cooking and cutting. i'm come to a conclusion after having a war with the purplish devil. Onions are EVIL!!! They make people CRY. I tried cutting 3 big onions into thin slices so the smell is not so strong but I realized my eyes started to get irritated but i ignore and continue cutting and then i started tearing profusely -.- Sickening onions & the sulphur inside them, but i still managed to cut them all sooo proud of myself :) plain tired can. i'm so addicited to the current song lalala~ ~ ~ below is a conversation with one of my kuku fren yinghui. look out for the highlighted in bold part. LOL! ♥ Yinghui ; Wishful Thinking. says: big or small onions? II XuAn II- Totally in love with accappella (: W34F outing sentosa 9th June 10am at harbourfront MRT station says: big onions la.. ♥ Yinghui ; Wishful Thinking. says: i mean you cut it big or small? II XuAn II- Totally in love with accappella (: W34F outing sentosa 9th June 10am at harbourfront MRT station says: but i slice em into thin thin pieces II XuAn II- Totally in love with accappella (: W34F outing sentosa 9th June 10am at harbourfront MRT station says: of course small la.. ♥ Yinghui ; Wishful Thinking. says: ohhh ♥ Yinghui ; Wishful Thinking. says: LOL II XuAn II- Totally in love with accappella (: W34F outing sentosa 9th June 10am at harbourfront MRT station says: inside e rice leh... ♥ Yinghui ; Wishful Thinking. says: throw in big onions ♥ Yinghui ; Wishful Thinking. says: then just bite it ♥ Yinghui ; Wishful Thinking. says: like apple II XuAn II- Totally in love with accappella (: W34F outing sentosa 9th June 10am at harbourfront MRT station says: siao ar u!! ♥ Yinghui ; Wishful Thinking. says: hahaha! II XuAn II- Totally in love with accappella (: W34F outing sentosa 9th June 10am at harbourfront MRT station says: omg......... ♥ Yinghui ; Wishful Thinking. says: big onions ♥ Yinghui ; Wishful Thinking. says: LOL! II XuAn II- Totally in love with accappella (: W34F outing sentosa 9th June 10am at harbourfront MRT station says: u reali can make me laugh can ♥ Yinghui ; Wishful Thinking. says: each one bite 1 ♥ Yinghui ; Wishful Thinking. says: then people see. ♥ Yinghui ; Wishful Thinking. says: so cool ~ II XuAn II- Totally in love with accappella (: W34F outing sentosa 9th June 10am at harbourfront MRT station says: so cool!! ♥ Yinghui ; Wishful Thinking. says: LOL! actually it's not a bad idea uh.. if we bite into big onions it will be so crunchy. SO COOL! =) 7:08 PM
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Monday's W34F outing to sentosa yippee!! so excited can i'll be preparing nasi goreng hopefully peeps will like it. XD actuali i have something to confess, ahem.. I'm in love with OLDIES~ ~ ~ current song is also considered one one my favourites but it's accappella version ( loving it to bits) :) so it's more modern la.. have been thinking if i should go and do soft rebonding but i think fringe is definitely a must so i don't need to keep putting wax on it hahah! sigh, i really miss my beloved 4E5 mates it has been such a long long time since we last gathered. I'll try and gather my long lost beloved class 4E5 (2006) soon! have been thinking alot lately on personal matters and it's driving me nuts. I love you. I don't love you. I love you. I don't love you. I love you. I don't love you. I love you. 10:59 PM
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
W34F's chalet's planning is seriously driving me KUKU!!! 11:19 PM