Thursday, May 29, 2008
I think science is really getting more and more diffcuilt...? today was about physics and chemistry and i was like super lost needless to say when facililator was explaining the 6P I was super lost I don't have enough physics background to support me enough to understand to make matters worse I was super shagged today dead tired. So EFFING stressed, tomorrow's piano again. UT for enterprize sucks a big time really didn't expect myself to get such a sucky grade when I know what I was doing during the test sigh.. i seems to be SCREWING everything up. i still have Grade 8 practical to prepare for really hope i don't cock up this examination, i seriously don't have the time for this type of shit. all i know is i'm feeling quite frustrated now when i'm writing this post, i need to learn to control my emotions althought it's gonna be diffcuilt for me. i need to learn how to motivate myself regardless of what's gonna happen. I need to BUCK UP MAN. I need to stop feeling emo whenever i face problems. MORINGO POWER! It wasn't intentional... it shouldn't have happened it was all an accident. 8:55 PM
Sunday, May 25, 2008
I'm in a dreamland and fairytale mood now lalala~ ~ must be the effects from my drama LOL. Woops! Sometimes I also feel like a stickynote especially during secondary school, so what is a stickynote..? It's easily available, effective in getting work done and can be destroyed easily( to be forgotten). the songs inside are soooo niceeee!! i'm so addicited to them especially the stickynote song, the current song on my blog is instrumental version of it! :) Feeling quite random right now. think i better go and sleep earlier. cultural tomorow danny come please!! goodnights guys! Fated to love you 9:00 PM
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Went to class with fringe put down and the moment I stepped in people started shooting " wha px... change hairstyle ar.. ( chatter X3)" 1st person to comment was zul saying what change hairstyle pretty ar.. followed by taufiq " ehh why u go and make fringe..? " he's always attacking me for nothing in class la dat guy so I shot back " I all along have fringe just that I never let down can " so irritating man -.- Science lesson today teamed with Zul, cheemun, yinghui and yuman. problem statement sucked a big time, almost died can it was about programming and maths. My group was totally clueless and then cheemun started his nonsense by making funny noises about my moringo lol I and yinghui were laughing like mad people. it was really so boring until i went abit kuku with yinghui as she was the closest to me I started taking my wire and pretend to shock her by poking the wire at her. It was damn funny can, then irene told her to pei he me by shaking vigorously LOL but cannot to obvious as faci was directly infront of us. HAHAH. ok i know i'm childish la but cannot blame me right cos presentation was too boring and thus i went KUKU with yinghui :D Oh ya almost forgot to add on I was builled again in the lift, I kena pushed around inside the lift, poked and hair being toyed like a toy so sad.. i'm always being builled in class la, EVERYDAY will be builled at least 1 time. nvm I'll get my REVENGE soon muhahahahaha :) ![]() Me and Yinghui =) ![]() Again!! lol Joel and Zul behind us.. >.< OMG so cute!! he looks like a ailen right..? ( hassan aka cute ailen =] ) Oh no, who's this...? LOL 8:28 PM
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Teamed with yuji, irene, zul & farz today. Today's problem really made all of us go kuku can. 1st time I saw Irene getting slightly paranoid because of the problem statement. Needless to say with zul and yuji around there's confirm to be laughter in my group, Zul played a malay song which yuji sang along and then zul kept replaying a certain part and yuji grabbed his ipod and imitated the singer's voice. -.- So lame, but it made us laugh like hell hahah. Gonna get my new spects tomorow night yeah! Though I wanted contact lens but mom don't allow in order to keep my eyeball healthy for Lasik. :) Planning for upcoming chalet and it's not easy can got lots of work need to be done in order to book the desired date. Off to sleep. Nights 8:43 PM
Monday, May 19, 2008
Feeling quite random right now, thus decided to blog while waiting for my show to load, it's moving like a tortoise can. -.- Nono not tortoise is SNAIL. Well went and pray at 3 temples today and there was lots of peeps man, sheer madness squeezing and pushing like nobody's business, worse thing is they have joss stick on their hands and some of them are holding on eye level thank god my eyes were not poked by those aunties. Just got back from lot one to buy my medication for my skin and the god damn bar isn't half loaded!! WTH!! Y so slow!!! I want to watch my fated to love you!!! Ahhh~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Okie lurh I think I betta go take a bath before I really go kuku while waiting for this pathetic snail rate video to load. Cya 6:18 PM
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Lala.. Today was Maths wasn't too bad as it was about probability hahah. Teamed with joel, hanisah, hassan and wang yin. I think our presentation was the shortest among all the other teams. But oh well, short and sweet right..? The UT today sucked a big time, I was literally staring at the screen la ( though I did few questions ) but it's like the rest of them looked kuku to me, I couldn't understand what they're asking..? even with reference notes I still catch no balls. See the pathetic-ness now..? Sigh. I MUST understand those 5 modules no matter what man, I don't want to fail again man. AHHH. Oh ya before I forget I drawed a super cute picture on the board today, but the picture's not with me now, gonna take from Irene later. It's Moringo's friend. BoBo. :) ![]() it started out with me drawing BoBo ( above pic) 1st. So CUTE right!! :) ![]() ![]() See what I mean...? I'm being called ' paranoid' in class sob sob.. ![]() after hearing the name BoBo(given by me ) Cm started drawing another out named cha cha ![]() Oh yes, you must be wondering who on earth is moringo.. TADANG!! ( on top ) Thanks for helping me, I'm finally able to let you go this time. 8:12 PM
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Well today was enterprize lesson and tomorrow's Computing maths UT. Holy shit! Yayaya I know I should be studying not blogging now lol but nvm la..let me relax a while first cannot too stress, I'm recharging brain cells now :) Teamed with Irene, azizul, farz and yuji woohoo, nice team man! I'm wondering whether to go gym tomorrow ornot, IF i don't go I know Azizul ( our grm instructor) will kill me. LOL So logically speaking I should go right..? hahah honesty speaking I'm feeling alright now [ quite happy..? dat's why I used my fav colour PURPLE! :) ] though just now in class I wasn't feeling so well coupled with some matter which made me abit emo earlier on in class. But oh well I'm alright now it seems like I've really made up my mind after today's incident. Hope I'm able to stay strong. JY px JY!! :) 8:21 PM
Monday, May 12, 2008
Alright today was Cognitive lesson and faci made us change groups. So I was grouped with Yun qian, clarance, hanisah, period. Monday blues thus was not in the mood plus I was damn lethargic, best thing was problem statement was freaking complicated. To be honest I was stressed up la can, although clarance did contribute ideas (some were quite good) but his questions at times contridict his own suggestions can. OMG . I almost died. Not that I want to praise myself, but most of the things was done by me, PDT, PPT, every single shit that was needed to do manually was done all by me. I'm quite impressed. :) So by 2nd break I started to panic as I still had 5 slides to complete nd I had around 45 mins..? If scribers are not doing the ppt and stuff, then they should not be call scribers right.? Well some people in my group wanted to be the scriber, but ironic thing was that I ended up doing EVERYTHING. I seriously think it's not about one man show when it comes to group work, PLEASE wake up my beloved team members who are still dreaming. Presentation was not up to my standard of course, because I didn't have enough f**king time to plan what I want to elaborate on. I mean like in order to do a good ppt there must be a min required amount of slides right, and some people in my group can still say that my standards are too high and even complain to the faci. HOW GREAT!! I almost wanted to quarrel with certain team mates because of their attitute and the way they do things. Sigh. Looks like this particular team is gonna be a good challange for me. 1 month together with this new team, I'm seriously loving it. I'm trying my best, but I can't seems to. So tell me, how should I deal with you..? 10:03 PM
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Yoohoo back to blog again!! Met up with Pammy and Pl today, both my beloved P lettered name girlfriends. :D Met up with girls at lot 1 and decided to watch IronMan since pam and Pl was so enthu about it, honesty speaking I wasn't very interested in it as I thought it's a lame show. Ironic thing was I found myself getting super glued to the movie less than 15 mins after it started LOL the storyline was superb alright!! Good storyline + sexy actress + hot actor..What more can I ask for..? hahah I seriously think I'm in love with Robert Downey Jr ( main character ) he is really so HOT in the show *melts*. I didn't know he can be so charismatic at his age I mean 43 years old and still looking so....*melts* he's something like Johnny Depp. :) Thank god I went and watch it, guys if you're reading this post. Go watch IronMan man! it's a must watch!! HAHAH Oh yes there's gonna be Ironman 2 which means I can get to see Tony Stark/ Robert Downey again yippee!!! =) Kena counselled by Pam again and was given advice to carry out plan A. Was kinda troubled for the past few days as I was unable to sort out my feelings properly. If pam's plan works I'll treat her mentos..? wahaha thanks a lot dearie and Pl too!! for standing by me & helping me sort my feelings out. Pam says Confidence is the key, work on it man. GoGoGo!!! " You're not pissed, you're just frustrated because you want to know the truth... " 10:13 PM
Friday, May 9, 2008
Was abit upset today due to some things, but thank god it went away. After school went to redhill for music lesson as usual, I realized that lots ofv people were staring at me as I was walking. The look they gave me was as if I was some kind of red light district girl. WTF Maybe it's due to my leggings (which is semi- transparent) but I swear I thought it was opague, those cannot see through kind. Sigh. There was even a indian man who kept staring at me, I tried to ignore him but then I decided to stare back at him as I had enough of this staring bullshit & his reaction was...? immediately look away. The experience was not a good one trust me. To those morons: If you dare to stare at me for so long, then don't fucking turn away when I stare back. Much as I want to ignore it, it somehow keeps coming back to haunt me. I think I can't hold out much longer. What exactly are you trying to do...? 10:10 PM
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Had enterprize UT today and I didn't have time to complete it on time, there were some questions where I just freaking rushed through can. WTH!! I seriously hope I don't fail man..hahah. Anyway today's lesson was computing maths but it was abit different this time round, we do not have to do any programming, we just have to solve the questions on the programme itself, it's like a type of programming game and then the faciliator will test us during the 3rd meeting. Ironic thing was, I was actually interested and HYPER on figuring out & solving the game itself. I actually even helped some peeps to understand some problems. Omg.. what happened to me man..? LOL Everyone was stunned that I was actually so interested and patience on experiencing the problem as usually I would be quite paranoid when ever it's computing maths module. Maybe it's because I found it quite fun...? hahah honesty speaking I was also shocked myself. Here are some pictures which our class took..W34F rocks my socks can!! Still tonnes of pics more to upload but there's something wrong with the blogger so I'll update more pic soon. :)
![]() Me and the Birthday boy Zul ![]() I know I know, we ROX!! :) SMILEZ!! 8:08 PM
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
Today was Enterprize lesson, teamed with taufiq, muqsit, you di and farz. Overall I felt that our team did not too bad you di is slowly opening up to us and asking for our opinion and explaining to us. Sigh I feel so guilty now. Because I was suppose to attend the adventure learning with W34F but I , yan lin and farz backed out last minute as I was afraid that I couldn't climb after seeing how high those things were. I'm currently feeling so freaking GUILTY CAN, it's like flying aeroplane to my class la..Sigh. Nowadays I'm not feeling so emotional thank god, lol but there are times when I still find myself in doubt. I'm So Sorry W34F. " Have you really changed or is it just me..? Somehow it doesn't feel like the the same anymore. " 7:47 PM
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Actually I'm supposed to be studying for UT (cognitive) now, but then after reading the 6P I felt so sleepy especially for 2nd problem ( Do you know what I know?). I doubt my friends are gonna study for cognitive la seriously, it's crappy stuffs. But don't worry I already digested the first problem will be digesting more later. Sigh, I want to change my spects & am still deciding to get contact lens or spects. Gonna change my cell phone too it's already expired so freaking long time can. I know I've been behaving emo-ly for the past few days or so I have put emo nicks in Msn, experienced mood swings & worse of all posted super emo stuffs on my blog. I guess because of my silly behaviour I've caused some of my close friends to get worried about me, I'm sorry guys. I'll try not to get emo so easily again. :) Because of this I know that I have people who still cared about me all thanks to my dearies in W34F and girlfriends especially Pam, Pl, Sh and Eileen Lim and Ong. Muacks to ALL :) Oh yes, I think I'm gonna change my blogskin real soon. YIPPIE!! Whenever I feel like falling for you again I'll remind myself that you're not worth it. 8:25 PM
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Went to RP today to revise upcoming UT, but then we ended up playing viwawa's SUSHIDO!! Oh ya I've a new nickname as well, cucumber that is!! Irene and Yanling kept laughing today, at me sigh.. I so poor thing right. One whole day kept being laughed at maybe I'm their ''happy nut'' ( translated to chinese) LOLS. right..? Anyway was not so moody today and was touched when I realized that friends from W34F tagged my board. Thanks to Doris, Irene, Ying hui and PL, thanks for your encouragement girls I'll try to pull myself together as soon as possible kkz. I'm sick and tired of being EMO for useless stuffs, stuffs which I should not be wasting my time and energy on. I need the energy to master my 5 in 1 scales( I know sounds like a coffee mix) and my puppet dance, time is seriously running out for me man. After RP went to pam's house to teach her Maths . YAYAYA I know it's really MATHS my weakest subject in the past wahaha. But thank god I'm still able to manage the questions phew. Had dinner at her house too :) I don't know why but being with her makes me forget all my problems and somehow I don't feel so stressed up. :) I know I'm somehow being affected by your actions but this has to stop, because you're not worth it. 10:32 PM
Friday, May 2, 2008
Was emo in the train just now. Tears almost fell down when I listened to my Mp3 & thought about some things which happened. It's definitely not a good sign. I need to get myself out of this quickly. 11:15 PM