Wednesday, February 27, 2008
My thigh muscle are aching due to yesterday's 2 hour cycling chalet and also losing my voice, all thanks to ALVIN ONG and his wonderful performance yesterday. LOL ( I shall leave the best part at the end of this post ) Sorry guys, this is going to be a super duper long post due to the large amount of content. (: IN summary this was what happened during the chalet stay 2 day's 1 night. Everyone meet at cck station before we trained down to pasir ris with eileen, fah wui, xia lian, li ching and yi chee. Honesty speaking my mood on that day was a little bit dampen because shihui couldn't make it to the chalet. Nevertheless I still went for it, when we reached the guys were already there leon, zhao xiong, alvin, nickolas and tedmund. We didn't really click with them immediately as it has been such a long time since we last gathered. So our 1st activity was playing captain's ball at the beach's field. It was super tiring because it was a large field, but then everyone sweated it out and enjoyed themselves hahah. After that an hour plus later we went back to prepare ourself for BBQ dinner, and there was alcohol because we have an official 18 year old guy ( zx) to buy beer for us. Dinner was not too bad but the real excitment was what's going to happen after dinner and our individual shower. Eveyone sat down in a circle after bath and started playing this particular card game. Everyone takes a card and place on top of our forehead. Each of us can only see other people's card but not our own's, excitements comes when you are free to sabotage people to change their cards on their forehead but only 1 change is allowed. The last 2 person with the smallest number loses and need to get punishment which is to down 1 shot of absolute vodka without any soft drinks added. I intimidated & worried at first because I've never ever drunk pure vodka before in my life, so my 1st experience came soon when I needed to down 1 shot, which was like a small mouthful of it? It has quite a strong acidic smell and after it glides down your throat you can taste the bitter medicine taste? I was still able to handle at my 5th shot, but I was starting to feel the heat slowly and my throat was starting to get a little bit dry. After finishing half bottle of the 1 liter vodka, the guys decided to add ice to add extra effect WTH agrhh..!!! So in total I down 10 shots of the strong liquor without adding anything, I'm the only girl who drank the most (10 shots ) due to my poor luck while alvin had around 9 shots of it. At my 10th shot I swear I was still sober it was just that I felt my stomach buring a little bit and I was feeling super warm all over. I'm sure that after adding ice inside the cup nick added more vodka to the original amount. Nickolas also stopped the game as he himself was a little bit unstable already. Next thing I knew was alvin as well as leon got drunk as in dead drunk, alvin started talking nonsense like calling the pool a pool of vodka and started pouring water on people. As for leon he kept insisting he was not drunk and kept walking around not wanting to sleep until he finally vomitted while strolling outside with guy friends. Poor zx, nick and tedmund had to keep them company and takecare of them, they themselves also drank some shots but not as drunk as that 2 guys thank god man. As for me (ahem), I realized that I couldn't walk properly and needed someone to hold on to me when I went to the toilet, everyone asked me to go to bed to rest but I just couldn't was I felt so damn hot due to the alcohol inside my body. I really felt like dying, head spinning and face was so flustered, throat super dry and heart beating furiously like lack of oxygen..? I was not really drunk I just felt weightless and high but I knew what was happening around me of course. All these happened after the 10th shot allright I myself didn't expect this to happen la.. So I kept drinking water to keep myself hydrated haha smart right? (>.<) The night was unbrearable for me and the rest who really drank a lot had headache the next morning lol. Guys, I think we really drank too much this time tone down abit by adding some sprite or something next time round ya. Afternoon's activity was a game of card game, this time round no alcohol allright.. Just that we needed to do forfit which is all about guts. I don't want to mention details here as I think they shouldn't be revealed, it's all in the name of the game so actions which were carried out shouldn't be mentioned. I feel that being a girl..... .., it's not very appropirate for some of those actions..? Next we went cycling at the park I admit I was initially felling moody because of the game, but somehow after cycling I felt much better. Maybe it's because leon made me so freaked out and worrying over the 2 seater bike by purposely looking as if he was going to crash and make me fall down. Throughout the whole 2 hour journey I was constantly feeling so stressed la, he rode so damn fast and likes to make me scream my lungs out by wobbling left to right on purpose. Sickening man lol!! We managed to get down to play some of the park's facilities..? LOL Call me childish, but the things that's in the park is damn fun la..Sigh, really regretted we didn't take much pictures. There was also a ''stalker'' in the middle of out enjoyment who claims that he was doing a survey for some kind of new 4 steater bike.. 2 parents and 2 child if I'm not wrong..? He kept pestering us and even asked how are we all guys related, so the cheeky zhao xiong said this.... " We are all families, relatives, all of us are cousins some are far distanced cousins.. " that really made me laugh like mad freaking insane like as if he would believe zhao xiong's crap hahah good try man zx.. So after cycling we went and FLY KITES!! This is my 1st time flying a kite and I was so excited la hahah, AFter seeing leon flew the kite all of us wanted to fly also, so he went and buy another 3 kites for us.. aww so sweet..!! I was flying the kite like a pro la..wahaha even though it was my 1st time so fun man flying the kite!! :) Ok this was what happened that made me and eileen laughed like insane freaks. Eileen and I was flying our kites happily while alvin and zhao xiong was doing something else at the field. Leon was also busy helping hui xin, then I wanted to take a break as my head was so 'suan' (tired) as I was tilting my head up for quite some time. Then suddenly I saw alvin and zhao xiong nearby so I walked up to them, alxin started singing all of a sudden in a strange language >>>> the kuku language ( Which he obviously made it up himself, he's well known for his nonsense) At 1st he faced us and sang his 'kuku' lang I and zx was already laughing, then he turned around & stood at the side of the bicycle pathway, which means anyone who was running or cycling at the pathway could see his wonderful performance. He was not shy at all allright, kept singing loudly even though cyclist passed by him and alvin even waved and salute and dance weirdly at passerbys and cyclists. I was laughing so loud until I attracted leon's and tedmund's attention so they came over and joined us on the grass. There was once alvin was so into his dancing and singing when a female jogger passed by us that he didn't notice zx was standing behind him, so when he was in the middle of his dance, zx went and pull his shorts down..Insane bunch of people man lol. It was damn hilarious la, alvin immediately pulled up his boxers & shorts and I thought he will stop his idioticness as he was being shamed. But amazingly, he just smile cheekily and went on and continue his performance like nothing happened. ( shake head) Alvin alvin... Soon everyone was sitting on the grass enjoying alvin's entertainment show hahahah!! His craziness attracted a lady's attention she was sitting at a bench near to us, so he doing his usual stuff, marched to her side and started singing loudly a moment and then dancing like a idiotic person out of the sudden. LOL .That really made me rolled on the grass laughing so hard until I couldn't breathe properly la.. Some passerby looked at him as if he was crazy while other's laughed at his actions. But we all know that he's doing all these for the sake of us. It's like he's not afraid to look stupid just to entertain us and make us laugh, I really really deeply appreciate that a lot alvin. :) This time round's 2E3 chalet is really the best I've ever attended ever. Really enjoyed myself a lot and credits goes to all who planned & work hard for this chalet especially EILEEN and most importantly thanks ALVIN without you the chalet wouldn't be filled with so much laughters!! Cheers!! =) 10:26 PM
Monday, February 25, 2008
I must admit that I'm addicited to the current song that's playing on my blog right now. And thanks to wei xian I got the Mp3 song too!! :) Tomorrow I'm gonna for chalet 2 day's 1 night. Because after that I still have primary school gathering. Sigh, hopefully everything can go smoothly this time round..Went to Rp today with pl to get her lappy fixed and I was suprised that the library actually have a upright piano to allow students to play. LOL I thought library should not have any form of disturbance, that includes music isn't it..? I still tried out the piano using the soft pedal of course & it was quite allright. Well then I suppose that guy whom I saw wearing a black shirt was obviously trying to seek some attention I guess..? Anyway I heard moonlight sonata 3rd movement being played out of the sudden and decided to climbed up the stairs to take a look. Then I saw him hitting the keys like nobody's business, as if he was a pro of course. I reckon his playing wasn't that good, I'm not trying to brag here but then his tempo was not constant at all and I bet he's also not very sure of his notes. (If not why was the song not connected may I ask? ) I know I know, it feels grand to play a fast piece music like sonata 3rd movement, people will turn and look at you and "aww look at him." But if you really can't play this piece of song decently then please for heaven's sake don't even bother to hit a single note. Because it will be damn noisy. If he was really that great I might have clapped after he finished playing or even go up to him and praise him for his skills. I seriously don't think library is a place to practice piano..? Especially with this piece of music which is a great disturbance due to it's loud dynamics and extensive range of chords. Bottom line : Don't ever practice your skills in library, if you want to display them instead. It would be definitely better, trust me. 别 对 我 太 好... 我 怕 我 又 控 制 不 了 我 自 己 。 10:15 PM
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Allright I'm backed from the piano gathering and peeps who were performing were super nervous la. I was the 1st to arrive even though I was only just an observer LOL, followed by ben and then fernando. I must say Fernando really changed a lot, I almost couldn't recognize him when I opened the door for him. The 1st grade 8 piece was a baroque piece from Scarlatti. I was paying attention as this was also my piece, both ai len and fernando somehow in the middle break down due to playing of wrong notes or trailling not up to beat. Fernando was more steady than ai len but his playing was average whereas ai eng even though she was a little bit messy in playing she manage to have dynamics ( loud and soft) in her playing. 2nd piece which is a classical piece is sonata in C, this was what I have been waiting for ( fernandos's favourite piece ) miss ho made ai len perform first so as to prevent her from facing pressure from fernando's performance. Finally it was fernando's turn, he passed me his manuscript which have his extra scores inside before walking towards the grand piano confidently. The way he played and his ''fernando touch'' was quite impressive, he was able to keep his fingers so light yet at the same time close to the key board especially his left hand when he's trailling. It's like they were sort of floating when he plays them real fast and best thing is there's no wrong notes being hit. Hat's off to him!! After seeing how they are to execute the piece so nicely and flawlessly at some part's which I'm still unable to do so at the moment. After seeing fernando's playing I suddenly have the motivation to work much harder at my 2nd piece!! Yeah!! :) 9:36 PM
Woke up early today to prepare for myself to the primary school gathering. And now I'm sitting infront of my com in a daze. The primary school gathering was screwed up. Everything was called off due to some last minute schedule crashing problem, I feel partly responsibe and am feeling guilty about it as I have to leave early for my music gathering session ( 4.15pm at clarence lane). Some of them are unable to make it at the exact timing while other's can't make it today. Honesty speaking I really didn't expect to call off today's gathering despite facing some problems within ourselves, because we did discussed this gathering by conferencing over the phone yesterday, until late night by the way. Sigh looks like I got excited for nothing yesterday, I sure hope history don't repeat itself in the next gathering session that we're going to plan. As for now I think I'll try and find other things to do to kill time. 12:12 PM
Friday, February 22, 2008
Sigh it's so effing boring, I got sick and tired of reading my 2 novels for the moment. Its soooo B-O-R-I-N-G!!! Save me somebody...?? lolx Well tomorrow there's going to be a PRIMARY school gathering & I seriously can't wait for it!! But I can't join them for long because I have to rush down to redhill for piano session gathering..Agrhh!! These 2 to 3 days when I didn't head out to go for a swim I noticed that my mood wasn't very good, for what reason I'm not too sure myself. Maybe I have too much energy waiting to be used up..? Sigh.. I really hope this moody feeling can fade away soon. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. On the surface, everything seems to be going fine I'm still moving on, lesser whining and bitching.. etc etc.. But I know very well that I still have not completely got over him. I still waver at the thought of him, I'm still unable to stop myself from thinking about the past whenever I hear certain songs which brings back familiar feelings that I used to have. Each sentence of the lyrics brings back nothing but memories which I try to avoid. I somehow am able to find a connection to link my current situation to the song. There's not much of a choice left for me now seriously, I must learn to let go. But from the look of things it's not really working. Somtimes I just find myself so useless and pathetic. So Pathetic. 1:02 PM
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Had combined lessons today with ai leng it was a last minute decison made by miss ho as both of us are the same grade and she's taking her exam in march.. I think I didn't really play very well because I was under pressure, me I only like practice for like 1 month plus, noteswise I was still not completely sure. But teacher made me play first half of the 8 page piece and asked ai leng to comment on my playing. (which was so malu for me la) It was not very smooth stumble on few keys here and there, breaking down, trails being played was also sucky due to unstable tempo. But I still tried to compose myself and tried to hold on till the end despite some embarrassing mistakes which I shouldn't make. Finally it was her turn to play the piece, but her playing wasn't up to standard, instead she played worser than me. Miss ho was kinda stunned by her playing as she thought that her playing would be far better compared to mine, but it seemed the opposite so she lectured her on the spot. I was feeling quite remorseful as miss ho was making comparison between me and her which she shouldn't because I was a nobody compared to ai leng la. I guess she sort of freaked out because of my sudden presence. I mean I myself also tend to under perform when I'm playing infront of group classes. For the 2nd half of the piece I was literally whacking/poking my way through as I only practice them for 2 weeks..? Lots of wrong notes could be heard lol and tempo was totally out. This time round ai leng managed to appear as the better player haha I was so relieved. But this combined session made me pick up quite a few good points which I should learn by heart :) This saturday there's piano group lesson, and miss ho insist I must attend as fernando is going to display his skills.( Thank god I don't need to perform this time round as my exam is in august ) From the way miss ho describe him, I reckon he must be quite a strong player because from the beginning of the lesson miss ho was already saying this.. " you all must see the way fernando play, his touch is very light. He's born with that touch so in order for you guys to be like him you all must learn the notes well.. " He also already memorized the whole 8 page piece. '' The fernando touch '' is a litte bit exaggerated la like as if he's mozart or chopin. Well I must say I'm getting really interested in this guy's skill and I really have to see and hear for myself if he's really that good LOL. Allright I gotta go, I'm dead beat. Nights! 9:18 PM
Monday, February 18, 2008
WooHoo!! I've gottern my 1st choice for the posting which is biomedical science at RP!! :) lalala..I'm so glad, yesterday I was suffering from stomach cramp and almost died due to the anxiety building up in me. Needless to say I didn't sleep peacefully at all, kept waking up after 1 or 2 hour or so. Thank god I have yong wei and derek to accompany me during the first day as they are posted to RP also. Phew. I'm so dead tired right now, after all those stressful waiting plus I went swimming again with pl.. Well because I have too much excessive time, other than practicing piano and swimming I have nothing to do because I'm not working hahaha. So I spent most of my precious time watching taiwan drama. I'm seriously addicited to It Started With A Kiss. ( starring Ariel lin and Joe Cheng as leading character) And I have to confess something... .. I'M SO IN LOVE WITH JOE CHENG!!! :) *blush*[X3] If only he wasn't an actor... .. I mean he's so shuai and so tall la.. ( Melts**) 188cm is not a average guy's height, it's more than a average guy's height..Aww..... ... I'm feeling abit a little bit drunk, that's what happens whenever I think about him.. LOL Ok I know I'm not being realistic here, things that happen in drama serials does not happen in real life. Things like crushing deeply on someone and in the end they realized that they also fallen for you. That won't ever happen in real life because it's too good to be true. But somehow I'm still waiting for it to happen. 全世界的人都知道, 一廂情願是種煩惱, 只要換你一次微笑, 就算是作夢也會笑 10:42 PM
Friday, February 15, 2008
Yesterday's Valentines day was not too bad, chilled out with Pl and Shihui and at causeway point and we went and see P.S. I Love You. The show was predictable for me as I already knew how the story was going to unfold, well at least somehow. So after the show we went to the popular book store to see if there was any new book available, and while browsing halfway through Pl gave a high pitched scream out of the blue. I immediately turned my head to see what was happening, needless to say her scream caught the attention of those people who were around us. And to my horror I saw something which I really didn't expect to see. Upon seeing that disgusting EVIL looking creature, I too let out " OH MY GOD!! loudly '' before I quickly back away to prevent it from crawling my way. Well the only person who wasn't really freaked out was shihui. She was like, '' Ehh, xiao qiang ( nickname that evil creature) " while I was far far away from that particular place where it was. Below is the picture, taken by the shihui>>>>> The Brave One ![]() I just cannot believe that she could actually stand so close to that nasty, super hairy leg creature.What if it suddenly flew to her face without warning..?I hate the way it crawls so fast, its SICK man!! Oh ya I almost forgot I seriously think that teenagers nowadays really have no sense of consideration. I boarded the train at & was heading home after I ended my piano lesson at redhill. So I guess maybe because of the peak hour that was why the train was sardine packed with commuters. Initially I was standing in the middle and holding to the center pole for support, but subsequently as more people squeeze their way through Iwas somehow being pushed to the train's carriage. As there was people around me I couldn't find anything to hold on to, and beside me there was this particular girl who was around my age was talking on celphone standing next to the pole. At first I didn't notice anything as there was still some distance between me and her, but gradually I was being shoved deeper and deeper into the train and ended up next to her. All along these while she was talking on the cellphone, leaning next to the god damn pole and looking down. When people started pushing me to signal me to move inside I just couldn't even though I tried to signal her using body language. Is she realy so moronic..? I mean she could have just take 1 step and shifted herself to the otherside of the metal pole. It was so freaking obvious that there was still some space, just that she was behaving like a pathetic piece of shit. The thing that anger me most was that she saw people trying to squeeze inside but because she wanted to maintain in her confort zone she turned a blind eye instead. HELLO, people in the train are feeling super cramped so what right did she have to lean against a metal pole so comfortably..? To the girl who stood beside me: Get a life man, if you want to be comfortable and have your own comfort zone, then PLEASE go take a TAXI instead. 8:44 PM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
You are longing for some love and affection at this time - not that you have been deprived of tender loving care - but there are times when everyone needs to try something new or to go 'somewhere' else to perhaps experience that little extra 'understanding'. You are finding the present situation extremely demanding and you're having difficulty coping with it. A great deal of strain is involved and you would really like everyone and everything to leave you alone for a while, just so that you can put everything into perspective. Your confidence has been shattered. There are so many things that you would like to do with your life, so many dreams to be fulfilled - and you know that your hopes and dreams are not just figments of your imagination, they are real and you are looking for reassurance from someone. Basically your fears are such that you may be prevented in attaining your hopes and dreams. Even now you would like to broaden your fields of endeavour but in order to develop your 'inner- self' you need peace and solace. You are distressed by the fear that you may be prevented from attaining your goals. What you really need at this particular moment in time is quiet reassurance from someone close to you to restore your confidence. It is said that we are all influenced by our environment and indeed you are no exception. It would seem at this time that even though you may be surrounded by people, you are experiencing an inner loneliness. Fortunately you are sufficiently strong minded to realise that life has a great deal to offer you and that you may miss your share of experiences if you fail to make the best use of every opportunity. You therefore pursue your objectives with a fierce intensity and are prepared to commit yourself deeply and readily. You believe that whatever you would like to do or think 'you can do' - you do! It is because of this attitude that you may be considered by others as arrogant and even conceited, but its fair to say that whatever it is that you really want out of life you will put your heart and soul into it and will not take 'NO' for an answer. You are putting on a show - a facade. You are a master of demonstrating considerable charm in the hope that this can or will lead to better things. Deep down you are fearful that this may not work and that you may have to employ other strategies in order to realise all your ambitions. The above is taken from a website from a friend and it's so freaking accurate!! 10:39 PM
I'm so dead tired right now. Other than having sunburnt marks on my body and headache I'm also beginning to feel my calf muscle starting to ache,I guess this is what happens when one doesn't exercise regularly. but I'm proud to say that I swam at least 12 laps today hahah..( claps claps!!) together with Pl of course. Amazing right..? I thought so too, the beginning was horrible I couldn't swim continuously at 1 go so I took break in between. But after the 5th and 6th lap we managed to swim continuously without feeling too breathless :) Anyway if you by any chance read this post, just wana say thanks a lot pl for being me swimming pal...Muackz! =D Below are the CNY photos as promised.. ![]() ![]() 7:15 PM
Thursday, February 7, 2008
HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! Just got back home and I'm feeling so bushed. Woke up early in the morning around 7 plus to prepare myself to go over to grandmother's house as she's heading home to telok blangah from Villa Francis nursing home. It wasn't easy throughout the whole journey as she is sort of bed-ridden and given her age (89 yrs old) it's almost impossible to even stand up. Coupled with her hard of hearing, inability to see things clearly due to glaucoma (type of eye disease) Being the oldest in our Peranakan Hierarchy, grandmother is the most eldest in our family tree, thus you can imagine how many people come all the way down to visit her and how busy I was and the others throughout the whole day. I was seriously so tired when it came to noon as I couldn't listen to my Mp3 due to low batt plus there was nothing for me to do other than watching tv programmes. Oh yeah, I took some random pictures with Eddie and sis with his cellpone again..haha ( I'll post them when I get it from eddie), well I really can't wait to get rid of my pone and get mysef another new one man.. This time round maybe I wanna try Sony Ericsson.. :) I don't want to appear vulnerable to others so I chose to hide it. 10:15 PM
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Today I went over to grandmother's house with family to have early reunion dinner. And I saw eddie (cousin) gosh he's really catching up my height, but now I'm still taller than him by 2 to 3 cm..? LOL I don't want to be shorter than him agrhh!! I'm just so not used to it la..hahah.. Well we took some pictures with his new sony cellphone, these are the better 2 pictures. Eddie playing his...psp..? LOL Oh god, our eyes are closed..?!! I'm really trying hard to be myself, but I know very well that things are not going to be the same like it was in the past. I'm glad that at least now I know what is the most sensible thing for me to do, compared to the past where I was stucked in the middle, going nowhere. I may appear fine on the outside, but sometimes more often than not I still struggle with myself deep within. I don't know since when this started but letting go doesn't seems to be the problem that's bothering me right now. It is the way I handle whatever that is happening for now. I need assurance to make me feel better and also in order to make me feel that I've made the right step. I think I really need some time for myself in order to find myself back.... .. 9:40 PM
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Didn't manage to get any decent sleep yesterday, I think I must have ate something wrong that caused the stomach upset. Throughout the whole night it was churning like mad inside, but I didn't take any medicine despite being told by my mother to do so, call it sheer stubborness if you want to. LOL, well I inherited that from my father. My hands and feet are super duper cold, maybe its due to the rainy weather. It has been raining the whole day well sort of....? Sometimes I just wished that I'm not as emotional as I am. The good thing about it is that I'm able to relate to people's feeling easily especially when they're being down or so called mocked at by some people who just don't have a sense of compassion. Reason being I was once in their shoes before and have suffered the worst that could ever happened, then again that was already in the past. But I guess no matter what happens, the ' traumatic experience' will always stay fresh in my memory as long as I live. Now for the disadvantage, maybe you can say the' traumatic experience' made me a much more sensitive person than I was before. Because of this ' trau experience' I learned how to put on a facade when I needed to. I learned how to wear a smile and assure people around me that everything's fine, even though deep inside I know everything's not. I can get emotional easily at times and I'm not the type of person who's able to let go of something easily if I'm deeply emotionally attatched to it. Most people will take quite some time for them to get over it, but for me I think I need a little bit more time than normal people. I'm not being emo here I'm just being frank. 9:16 PM
Saturday, February 2, 2008
Doing what I should do My legs are aching like hell now, just got back from bugis and kranji. Yeup, PL and I started walking from 11.45am all the way to 6pm, hardcore shopping I think my legs should be more tonned than before hahaha. Bought myself earings, tube dress and shirt dress. BUT the problem is that, there's a big patch of stain in the shirt dress which cost me a whole 40 bucks with a $1 change.Yayaya I know I must have been so blind not to notice the stain but the stain is not so obvious okay. I admit I didn't realized until I went back home, well maybe because the shop's light too dim. I really find it so freaking expensive la, but then I love that shirt dress a lot so I decided to get it anyway hahaha! Oh man I still need to go down to bugis on monday to go and change agrhh.... so tiring man! But never mind take it as a form of exercise because after that Pl and I'm going for a swim yippie!! =D And we're going to carry out our BIG PLAN! hahahaha, hopefully we can stick to it as planned. Any girlfriend of mine reading this and is interested feel free to text me ya!! It was just my imagination all along and I need to move on. 9:24 PM
Friday, February 1, 2008
Jordin Sparks- Next To You Two o'clock and I wish that I was sleepin Your in my head like a song on the radio All I know is I gotta get next to you (gotta get next to you) Sittin here turnin minutes into hours To find the nerve just to call you on the telephone Cause you don't know I just gotta get next to you [Chorus] Maybe were friends Maybe were more Maybe it's just my imagination But I see you stare just alittle to long And it makes me start to wonder So baby call me crazy but I think you feel it too Maybe I, Maybe I just gotta get next to you [ah, gotta get next to you] Asked around and I heard that you were talkin Told my girl that you thought that I was outta your league What a fool, I gotta get next to you [whoa, gotta get next to you] Yeah its five in the morning and I can't go to sleep Cause I wish, yeah, I wish you knew what you mean to me [Baby] Lets get together and end this misery [oh] [Chorus] Maybe were friends Maybe were more Maybe it's just my imagination But I see you stare just alittle to long And it makes me start to wonder So baby call me crazy but I think you feel it too Maybe I, Maybe I just gotta get next to you [whatcha gonna say, whatcha gonna do how you get the one you want] Who don't wanna get next to you [whatcha gonna say, whatcha gonna do how you get the one you want] Who don't wanna get next to you, Yeah [whatcha gonna say, whatcha gonna do how you get the one you want] What I gotta say, what I gotta do If I wanna get next to you To wanna get next to you, yeah To wanna get next to you [Chorus] Maybe were friends Maybe were more Maybe it's just my imagination But I see you stare just alittle to long And it makes me start to wonder So baby call me crazy but I think you feel it too Maybe I [baby call me crazy] But I know you feel it too Maybe I, maybe I just gotta get next to you [ah, yeah] I gotta get next to you 9:19 PM