Monday, December 31, 2007
Well, today I went out with gang for COUNTDOWN LUNCH!! LOL ( caifang, nana, shihui, peilin and sarah) to Causewaypoint. Like usual I meet sarah under my block 1st as we're living just beside each other.. =) Then we took train to meet the rest of them, everyone gathered and we went for lunch together. And being a New year's eve, the place was crowded with peeps, thank god we found a place for all of us. With so much peeps walking around, it's impossible to have something you like to eat for lunch. And before I could order, shihui and peilin texted me saying that they had reached already, so I called them to come up and look for us. And while eating we al discussed about chalet stuffs LOL. It was nice chatting with all of them when our memory is still fresh about the chalet happenings, so gossiping is the best thing to do HAHA! And under the great influence of me, everyone agreed that we catch I Am Legend today..LOL Before that we had some time to spent so we went to arcade to play their basketball game. It was a real disappointment man, ALL of us agreed that pasir Ris's arcade was much much better than this. The movie was not bad at all, storyline was able to catch audience's attention, coupled with the good sound effect, I must say I had been shocked quite a few times throughout the whole show. After the show, all of our neck were super-duper strained due to the way in front seats that was choosen. Just imagine this.. We need to raise our head at around70 to 80 degree in order to watch. Maybe because we bought the tickets last minutes, thus we didn't have much choices left. So moral of the story : Do buy tickets in advance if you want to choose the best seats. Right here are some of the pictures below taken by me/sarah..haha ![]() ![]() ![]() Sarah plus me!! =D ![]() I Am Legend movie tickets!! ^^ ![]()
Cai fang smile is so CUTE!! Aww... Shihui and me again..LOL Don't we look sweet together HAHA!! SMilez Well, that's about all... Yeah, I know I know, I'm crazy taking photos with each friend of mine.. But I cant help it, as we can only hang out once in a while.. Stay cool and work hard my dear friends!! 10:30 PM
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Tomorrow's a small gathering for me and gang. Initially we wanted to go for the 2008 countdown, and I was quite excited about it. Until some of them are unable to make it, while some are not free. SO we decided to cancel it. 2008's coming real real soon. I can't believe that 2007 passed just like that in the blink of an eye. Maybe it's because of the fact that I was really busy preparing for the O levels again, thus there wasn't any time for me to enjoy myself properly. But by having to repeat again and start everything over again made me learn something new. I managed to learn what's the true meaning of perserverence leads to success, not that I'm bragging or something, but this is from my true life experience. As long as one doesn't give up, there's still hope. I also think I should give the wonderful teachers( Fajar Sec) credits for guiding us through this tedious journey. There were times when we really feel like giving up, especially on Maths, but thank god Mrs Li was always there for us. Last but not least Mr Ng was really the motivator for our class, he always never fails to encourage us when we're feeling down or discouraged due to poor results. I think I'll get ready the teachers thank-you cards when I'm going back to receive my results somewhere around late Jan. As for my New year Resolutions, I hope I can be more patient and matured for yr 2008, be it in terms of studies or relationship, if possible in terms of everything. LOL. Reason being, I can be quite implusive and critical of others when I'm being pissed off. I can't think rationally and most of the time, the words that come out of my mouth hurts the other party unintentionally. I also have this problem that I tend to worry over excessively when it comes to matters that I can't slove. And at the end of the day, I end up being super- stressed up. Not like I enjoy torturing myself, but I just can't help it. There are still many things to list down, but I dont think there's a need for that haha. As long as I know what are those resolutions are, it should be fine. Otherwise I'm sure I can't finish listing them tonight..HAHA! Allright I think I gotta catch some sleep for now. What exactly am I anticipating about..??
11:50 PM
Saturday, December 29, 2007
My new computer arrived today, it was a 20 inch LCD screen from Acer!!! I was feeling quite high about it until the service man totally took out mu whole com and replace the whole new set. I realized that I forgot to save all my infomation inside my thumbdrive..Shucks!! But the time I realized it was already too late. Everything was GONE!!! The worse thing was that I can't open any music files send by my frens, WTF!! No matter how I tried, I just can't open the file. According to my computer it blocked the files because they seemed to be potentially dangerous. *Faints* "I don't have the slightest idea whats going on in your mind... .. And the feeling of pure helplessness is seriously killing me... .. " For goodness la, it's not like I'm receiving some kind of virus or something right, so what's the big deal...? So I'm in quite a pathetic state right now. No music, Ahhhh!!!!! Hopefully I the service man can come tomorrow. IF NOT, I'll BE DEAD... .. 11:34 PM
Friday, December 28, 2007
Went out with Sarah and Peilin today due to last minute changes. My mood was totally spoilt by him* as he called back home and found out that I was going out. The thing that makes me so freaking furious is that he actually make a big fuss that I'm going out today and tomorrow. Tomorrow's gathering is because of the fact that most of them are starting school next week. And he can actually lump two different things together without battling an eyelid. WTF " As long as you've step out of the house means that you're heading out." Yayaya... WHATEVER!!! Come on man, this is already this 21th century, what the heck is he thinking, is he still living at the stone age..? I seriously can't believe that he can be so unreasonable allright. Before O levels I refrained myself from going out, and now finally that it's over I can't get out of the house. Anyway, stupid happenings aside. Today I managed to get myself a cardigan and a white top!! Woot!! I can't wait to buy more tops and shoes and make-up stuffs!! =) Needless to say, sarah, peiling and me were bushed after everything ended. So we went to food Junction to have our lunch cum dinner..LOL The moment we sat down, the 1st thing that was my mind was.." Order Drinks!!!" All of us was like so thristy super de-hydrated. I ordered korean rice cakes, while sarah ordered kimichi rice haha. " Should I just try and clear things up...? If I don't, I will be the one suffering " But honesty speaking the korean food wasn't up to standard. I still prefer the korean restaurant at far-east..HAHA!! Peilin's dry yong tau foo looks quite delicious though, wasted I never take photographs..haha Hopefully I can go for the countdown next monday, if not I'll be super saded~~~ 8:36 PM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Here are the pictures from last friday's ( 21th Dec) 4E5's Chalet!!! ![]() ![]() Our backyard... .. ![]() Relaxing themselves aren't they..? LOL Cai Fang: " Hmm... where's everyone..?? " Zheng Wei and Wei Xian... .. Playing Basketball while waiting.. .. =) THis little boy was lost, and came to me, So I called my gang here...HAHA!!
There's a playground at out backyard.. So Cool... LOL Ta-Dang!! Our kitchen... Shikin and Amirah posing....
CHEEZE EVERYONE!!! Me and Wei Xian. . :) [Oh god, I look so short! ] Mahjiong-ing LOL Me, Ishan & Cai Fang, poking the prawns.. YumYum!! ;) Shikin and Shi Hui poking the chickens wahaha!! Suhaili trying to show off his NPCC skills.. LOL 1, 2, 3...Smilez!! Ladies in BLUE!! HAHA!! Oh My!! What are they doing...?? Woot!! Family picture...?? Haha, Dat's so sweet. ... .. =D We Rox!!! :] This chalet was e memorable one, thanks a lot guys!!
7:44 PM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
" when you're sad, you still need to live. when you're happy, you still need to live. whatever that happens in your life here and there, ups and downs, you still need to live. what for wasting time by frowning everyday? " -Eileen The above sentence was from my beloved sis..LOL She said those words to encourage me to look on the brighter side of life. It's also those sentence that motivates her to keep pushing on in life, especially this period of time. So just wana let her know.. " EILEEN!! Do not worry allright, I'm always here to support you all the way!! =)" Just came back from swimming, and I'm quite tired LOL, maybe it's due to the lack of exercise haha, so I need more exercise!! =) " I still think of you " 9:37 PM
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
My mind is so exhausted right now. After much discussion with close friends I think I've come to a decision. This thing has been going on for like almost 2 years already, & I feel that it's time to make things clear. Chalet's picture I'm going to upload them in another few more days.. I'm too tired la~~ >.< Gotta go n get some sleep.. Yawn** NItez.. " How can I forget you, when you keep appearing in my mind " 12:56 AM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Tomorrow's the chalet and I'm quite excited about it. I 'd finished packing all those necessary things and unecessary things. LOL Mom asked me to bring medicine pouch along as she fear that I'll fall sick at the chalet..Aww...What a nice mom I have... =D But I still feel my bag is heavy la..The things in my bag looks like I'm going for a week's trip rather than 3 day's 2 nights..haha. But I reckon tomorrow's going to be another wet day.. Sigh, Hopefully the rain doesn't rain for the whole day otherwise we can't carry out any outdoor activities. Dad's heading for China tomorrow early morning and will be back next week. Hope he can come back before christmas HAHA! And when he comes back I'll also have my new set of computer.. Yeah!! =) I've been waiting to change my computer for a very very very...long time..haha. I'll miss you dad!! Bon voyage!! :D!! Gotta go get some sleep now...bye.. 10:46 PM
Monday, December 17, 2007
I was in a daze when I woke up this morning. Yeah I didn't manage to get any decent sleep With the scorching sun torturing us as we walk, all of us didn't say anything much at that point of time. Then suddenly, pengna suddenly took out her umbrella and start sheltering us. LOL We were all busy buying chalet stuffs den suddenly suhaili said that he wanted to buy some sushi, so we continued to shop as he said that he would come and find us. But after 10mins later, he was still MIA, we even thought we had lost him..LOL So after getting all our stuffs suhaili needed to go off first as he has to meet his friend to discuss some Npcc stuffs. Needless to say we had lots of stuffs to carry to the shuttle bus and we decided to go and put them at pengna's house as caifang was attending 5566's concert at BP plaza. We boarded taxi as it was drizzling and cai fang sponsored us for the trip!! Thanks a lot cai fang!! So the taxi driver headed towards pengna house after dropping caifang at bp. The atmosphere inside the taxi was quite strange until pengna opened her mouth. Pengna: " Uncle, why the taxi so expensive ar..?" Uncle: " Oh because the diesel oil price increased." Pengna : " Oh but why you increase the price..? " Uncle: " No. Not I increase the price, it's world wide, even oil in indonesia has also increased." Pengna: " Ohh..icic.." Finally we reached her house..The taxi's meter was $4.10. Pengna: '' Okay, Uncle you want to charge me $4 or $4.10...? Me and shihui were laughing like hell when we heard her saying that. Uncle: " Okok, $4.." That was like the most hilarious statement I've ever heard in my life. But honesty speaking the uncle was quite friendly throughout the whole trip though. So cheers to the uncle who gave us a lift earlier this afternoon. =) Wana thank SHIHUI for teaching me how to change blogskin properly today at pengna's house!! Thanks a lot darling..muackz!! 9:16 PM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
I'm suffering from dizzy spells and mild headache now, sigh. The lack of sleep is seriously making me cranky. Each time I lie on my bed I just can't fucking sleep. I'm sure that there's something going on in my mind but I just don't know what the heck is it regarding about. Dad's going to china next friday for business trip, yeup.. ( nod nod) it's the same as my chalet date..LOL So hopefully I cant get to stay there for 2 nights. And my new computer is going to arrive next week I suppose, I can't wait for that day to arrive!! =) "As the days passed, I asked myself if this was what I really wanted it to be" These few days have been raining heavily and for the first time ever, I"m feeling quite sick and tired of the wet weather. It makes everyone's life so inconvenient, having to step out of the house and walk on the wet, muddy pavement. I loathe it when water gets into my sandals. I realized people in s'pore really don't have manners at all after today's incident at jurong east MRT station. I went out with renuga for job hunting. We went only to jurong east and westmall due to time constrain, because I had to rush back home as new furniture are arriving late afternoon. So this was what happened... Renu and I was heading towards the stairs at jurong east station, and because of the wet weather s'poreans became so kiasu. They started pushing so that they can get out of the train quickly and not realizing that renu was not beside me I kept walking until I turned to my shoulder. She was lagging behind, so I paused to wait for her. The moment she was about to reach my side, a man holding his toddler suddenly cut her way. I thought that he just cut her way, but then after he walked away, I realized that he has stepped on one of renu's sandals and broke it. I was fuming when I realized that, the worse thing was that that inconsiderate man knew that he has freaking spoilt her sandal and he didn't even bothered to apologise to her. WTF. He just looked down on her feet and walked away?? My godness, what's becoming of the people in our country? TO that ill-bred man who stepped on her sandals, I think you should jolly well know that it's basic manners to apologise to someone whom you have make damage to, be it physical or emotionally. This kind of manners lesson are taught as young as kindergarden I suppose. SO even if you have not graduated from a secondary school, I reckon you should know what to do. 7:15 PM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Well I'm not in a very clear state of mind now as I couldn't get to sleep yesterday night. All I remembered was that I kept tossing in my bed trying my best to sleep, but unfortunately I couldn't. Many things were flooding my mind as I lay on my bed, personal things which I feel it's best not to talk about it. It was so 4E5's (2006) chalet is next friday and I'm feeling quite excited about it!! =) I think I must thank Suhaili, Caifang, the most for helping me out and keep this chalet going. Of course also Shihui and Pengna for their help too!! Organisers of this chalet have really worked hard I must say, including me okay!! LOL Hopefully everything will go smoothly and that it WILL NOT RAIN on friday itself, otherwise it will surely dampen everyone's spirits. So that's all for now I guess. " What exactly am I thinking about ? " 9:15 PM
Saturday, December 8, 2007
" To laugh often and much, to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children, to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends, to find the best in others, to leave the world a bit better, to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded! " - Emerson The above quotation really left me in deep thoughts after reading and understanding each and every sentence of it. I wonder how many people in this world is able to acheive that..? IF it's just a few of them it wouldn't be a problem, but if it's ALL of them then I think it's not going to be so easy. I've gotten that from Mr Ng's blog recently, I must say that he's the only teacher I've met so far that never fail to motivate me whenever I consult him or have a chat with him. Even by reading his blog gives me tremendous encouragement to keep pushing on in life, no matter what happens. Meet up with pengna, shihui to go over to cai fang's house to discuss the chalet's food stuffs.. I must say it's quite stressful, given the budget and different type of food to order. But with the help of 3 good friends the problem was settled quite quickly. HAHA!! =) Thanks a lot cai fang, pengna, and dearest shihui!! MUACKZ!! Allright I gtg now, my medicine's taking effect, I'm getting drowzy now. Nights everyone!! Zzzz zz.... .. 11:43 PM
Friday, December 7, 2007
I saw the most disgusting scene in my life today. I was in the train after piano lesson and boarded at redhill station. The train was quite packed with commuters, it was like packed sardines. And I was trying my best to balance myself when I notice two indian guys infront of me behaving weirdly. Initially I didn't suspect anything, then suddenly one of the guy started putting his hand around his partner's neck affectionately. Then I thought maybe he was afraid that his friend might lose his balance so he was trying to help. But everything became clear when the same guy started holding his partner's face caressing it lovingly. *Vomit* I'm do not have anything against's gay (trust me), but then again it's public we're talking about. I feel that it's rather disturbing for me to watch two homosexual getting lovey dovey in public. Furthermore they're just right in front of me for goodness sake. Allright enough of this disturbing topic, let's move on yeah. Today I met up with peilin haha, it has been so so long ever since I met up with her. Sigh, because of our different schedules that clashes, but currently I'm having more free time as I'm enjoying the holiday's!! =) We has dinner together and chatted for a quite a long time as she has to update the latest news LOL. But we didn't get to spent much time together sigh, hopefully we can meet up again asap ya!! Thanks for your accompanyment PL!! Muacks!! =D " Dumbfounded the moment I saw you, after such a long period of time, I finally met you again. But from the way you looked at me, I knew you couldn't recognize me at all... " 11:21 PM
Sunday, December 2, 2007
It has been such a long time since I've blogged. As I'm blogging there's so much thing running through in my mind, a big chunk of it belongs to the planning of the upcoming chalet 06 e5ians. Suhaili told me that shikin's dad can't help us prepare as he got something on that day. So he asked me to take over him as he's preparing for his exam. Needless to day I agreed to help him out together with caifang's help, we're planning to get another 4 to 5 more ppl to help out the whole event, I'm already doing my best even though I'm sick. This time round preparation is definitely not going to be easy as we're lacking help, SO if any e5ians are reading this now, PLEASE help me out and make the ORGANISERS life easier by coming punctually on the fixed day and time. Please DO NOT dilly dally and take your own sweet time as there's only 2 week left and, WE'RE SHORTAGE OF HELP!!! THANK YOU!! :) Sigh, there's so much things to take into considerations, furthermore poly students are not getting their holiday's yet, some might be tied down due to loads of projects?? I'm totally lost and drowzy now (maybe it's due to the medication) , no idea who to go for help, everybody seems to be so frantically busy. SIGH. Well, hopefully by tonight we're able to get more help. 1:12 PM