Thursday, November 29, 2007
All along I thought my voice was already quite deep, but now I've a much much deeper & hoarser voice. Yes, I'm SICK AGAIN!! I really have no idea why it happened, I managed to finish yesterday's medication for my freaking red lump & today I have this god damned FLU, COUGH, & SORE THROAT. It's seriously pissing me off man, getting sick twice in a row?? Give me a break man!! As I'm bloggin right now, I'm feeling slightly feverish(38 degree C) and I have the bad feeling that I'll need to take anitibiotics again. Now I then realize why people hate falling sick. It's like you're literally half- dead, you cant do anything properly as in ANYTHING!! Now I still have the problem of talking properly, not that my red lump still hurt, this time its' because of my sore throat... Sigh. =( The pain is killing me, after I get well I swear to god that I'll not eat rubbish and drink lots of plenty of water.. Oh man... I'm suffering~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ Most probably I'm skipping my piano lessons tomorrow, I don't think I have energy for that. Allright I need to go and rest for now, I need to rest badly.. =( 6:00 PM
Monday, November 26, 2007
Woke up around 9plus and got myself ready for the big day. Needless to day my whole family went with me..LOL Daddy took a day off to accompany me haha. We reached Wisma Atria around 12 and it started raining heavily, how great!! Mom didn't bring a brolly so all of us got drenched in the pouring rain while heading towards MT Elizabeth medical center. Waited outside for a little while before heading inside my clinic, I was feeling butterflies inside my stomach as I sat on the sofa waiting for my doctor. As I waited I began to question myself if I was making the right choice.. whether do I really want to go on with the operation. I still could back out now if I wanted to. But It was be ludicrous if I wanted to back out now at this moment I mean I would be wasting everyone's time. " Px, it's time to go in now.." Sigh, no escape this time. As I went inside the nurse asked me to take let down my hair as I had to lie down for quite a long period of time so I did as suggested and wore the special cap given to me. The nurse began to ask me switch on some soothing music to make me feel more relaxed, and out of fear I asked the nurse some silly questions one of them was " Is it going to be painful..? " LOL The best thing was I even asked the doctor " Erm.. am I going to feel the pain at my other side of my face when u cut me..? " LOL thank god he said no. So doc helped me to clean my face with some alcohol thingy to make sure my face's clean before op, he cleaned my face a total of 4 times..which I think it's a bit too much though. Next, the nurse used a cotton thingy to cover my eyes to prevent me from looking and from the bright light. The doc then proceed to inject me, it was quite painful for me as he didn't inject all the anaesthetic at one go, instead he split it into 3 part, injecting and pausing for a little while before continuing. So I thought finally the injection was done then I heard " Nurse, I need a little bit more.." MY GOD!! Again.. he injected me for the 2nd time..I grabbed my blouse tightly as he poke me. I waited around 5 mins for the anaesthetic to work before doc started his job. I was quite suprised by the speed of the anaesthetic, I couldnt feel myself at the part where he injected and was so relieved. Throughout the whole process I could only hear burning sounds, coldness of needles and surgical strings brushing against my face. Though I couldn't feel anything but I was so afraid that I might sense pain halfway the process, so I held on tight to my blanket and kept squeezing my own hand. Before I knew it the doctor told me that it was over, Phew. And I began to sit up and tie my hair back in place, initially I was reluctant to see myself in the mirror but then after contemplating for a while I decided to see myself. I must say I was quite shocked when I saw myself in the mirror. The scar was longer than what the doctor said.. It was 3cm instead of a 2 cm scar.. When questioned by me, the doctor said that he had to remove the root completely otherwise chances of it growing back will still be there. With such a valid explanation, I was left speachless. " Hopefully everything will heal up as soon as possible " 10:38 PM
Sunday, November 25, 2007
I woke up 5am this morning from the intense pain coming from my mouth, that fleshy red lump behind my molar tooth was hurting again. I tried to swallow my saliva as gentle as I could so as not to have too much movement in the swollen area. But the swollen red lump was so imflammed that it was so soft like jelly-like. It wobbles in pain whenever I swallow something OR my tongue accidently touches it. And the best thing was I had to close my mouth and sleep, which means 1 of my tooth had to press down on the lump!!! ( I was in immense pain throughout the whole night ) I sat up in my bed and I felt like dying, the pain was seriously killing me. My breathing was shallow and I tried to calm myself down as the pain was clouding my mind. Finally after 15 minutes of stoning, I headed to the toilet and applied BONJELA [ my saviour ] on my aggravated sore lump. It did numb a little bit and after rinsing my mouth I went back to bed. I still couldnt sleep after that, all the way until 6am then only I felt drowzy and went to my dreamland. Thank god this morning the swollen lump managed to subside a little, thought it was just a little improvement it was very important to me. And by noon I was able to eat some porriage thank god! I look at the mean looking lump in the mirror and realized that it was not as swollen & red as before which was good!!! I felt so relieved alright, at least I can have some decent sleep before going for my op later on. I'm feeling quite nervous about this afternoon's op, but I guess everything will be okay. No pain no gain. Furthermore the day has finally arrived after waiting for such a long time. I guess I'll sort of miss it one way or another, after all it accompanied me for such a long period of time. 11:49 PM
Friday, November 23, 2007
Allright, this is my current situation, 1) I can't eat hard stuffs,I can't talk properly, 2) I can only chew on my right side of my mouth 3) I DREAD swallowing saliva because it hurts so much. YES, my pain has gotten much much worser then yesterday. Sigh, looks like things are not going too well for me, dad's also not been feeling too well lately and it's adding on to my stress level. Sucks. Now I can only talk with my mouth slightly opened, maybe around 1-2cm. I cant exceed the range otherwise it will be too painful for me, even closing my mouth hurts can you believe that. Maybe it's because there's movement on the red fleshy lump ( just behind my molar tooth). Not that I can't withstand the pain, but today is already the 3rd day. I think I should deserve some credits for tolerating the torture. LOL Needles to day I"m going to visit my doctor tomorrow, I think I need antibiotics as I suspect that my throat has become inflammed due to the stupid red lump!!! Allright I need to go for now, I need rest badly. " Is there anyone out there who's able to answer all my questions? " 11:32 PM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
As I listened to the song " Never let you go " memories from the past began to cloud my mind, don't ask me why because I myself have no idea. All along these while, I thought that I had everything under control. Thought that I had managed to successfully put aside the memories in the past which I try not to think about it if possible. " I had no choice but to conceal the truth at that point of time " But things didn't turn out the way I expected. I realized that I still had not completely given up. Somehow. Sigh, what am I suppose to do then..? IF only people in this world could live without love, but I doubt so. Pam's heading for overseas today, haix and I'll be so lonely man. Sucks. She's going there for 1 month, which means 1 month of loneliness for me. =( Well, I guess I just have to get used to it, one month's time is just going to be over very soon. LOL 7:56 PM
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
My left molar at the back of my mouth hurts like f**k right now. The pain is really Even a simple action like swallowing my saliva and opening my mouth to talk brings me agony, talk about opeing my mouth to chew on something. I guess I have to skip dinner today..? Maybe just eat biscuits and milo..sigh. Hard food like rice and those that require constant chewing (ex, meat) I'm definitely NOT touching it. Don't worry I'm not getting a decayed tooth or something, I suspect that the tooth closest to my molar is trying to come out. Sickening man. I just cant stand my (molar) being so soft and sore at the same time, just a little bit of movement in my mouth and I'll get tortured right away. " Something's holding me back this time round , maybe it's for my own good. Much as I want to believe my own judgement again, I still think it's safer to listen to my inner voice, that is not to make assumptions. " Sigh, hopefully everything will get better by tomorrow. 6:57 PM
Monday, November 19, 2007
Life seems to be super mundane for me these few days. There seemed to be something going on in my mind, but I just can't figure it out what the heck is it. It's bothering me agrhh....!!! Tomorrow might be heading down to Pam's house for aunty's birthday celebration around in the evening together with Melissa. Sigh, the god damned appointment is on next Monday what the heck. I'm eager to get a new haircut haha, maybe after my op den I'll go but I can't wait much longer, the anticipation is killing me!!! XD Other then having the urge to cut my tresses and have a new look which I"m satisfied (hopefully), I'm also looking forward to go find a job man, I can't wait to get out of my house, it's awfully boring. I " I've been waiting for it to happen ever since the day it affected me so badly. Even though the incident happened for quite some time already, it still lingers in my mind constantly. And it's affecting me. So frequently that sometimes I feel ashamed of myself, why can't I just let the matter go? Afterall it happened so long ago. " 10:53 PM
Friday, November 16, 2007
Sigh, my tongue is still a bit numb after the mouthwash given by my dentist. After entering the room, there was a man around in his late 30's wearing a mask and greeted me. " Hello dear, ur name is peixuan right..? " And from the way he spoke I knew he was a malay dentist, " Yea, " I repiled nervously as I HATE visiting the dentist furthermore I was going to a newly opened dental clinic, maybe it's because I encountered bad experience when I was young and mainly because of my super- sensitive teeth. I was so tensed up when I lay on the chair, even though he asked me to relax. But I just couldn't, I mean like I was so afraid that he's going to tell me " Erm dear, you've got a decayed tooth, I need to fill it up for you..) But thank god I didn't have any decayed tooth, Phew. So he just helped me to polish my teeth. HAHA!! He was quite gentle with me though, and I tried hard not to jerk when I felt some pain. I too noticed he has very nice eyes, hahaha, I think his double eye lids look better than mine..? LOL Allright, now for the graduation photos.... .... ![]() OMG!! What are the girls doing to Mr Chew..?
One of My Favourite CHEMISTRY teacher MR CHEW!! ( Like father & Daughter..? I'll definitely MISS YOU!!)
Me, Pam, Miss Tan, Melissa and Renuga... SMileZ... XD
Now.. Doesn't this pose look better..? Haha, Who's got the whitest teeth..? LOL
YEAH!! Twis, Let's have a act cute pose!! HAHA!! ( Swee hong, Mr Eddy and ME! )
Me and Mrs Li, my favourite Maths Teacher!! Muackz!!
Look at his ( Mr Chew ) Blur + cute smile,
Me together with Mr Ng!! ( One of the BEST English teachers) ;)
CHeEzE.., Me and Mr Eddy [ my favourite Geography teacher ] He Makes Geography ROX!! =D
" Sweet memories that I'll never ever forget, thank you so much my dearest teachers and friends. "
8:48 PM
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Today Melissa came over for dinner. It was a last minute decision by the way, this was what happened... At around 6pm while I was watching Tyra's show, suddenly my handphone rang..... .. Me: " hello..? Who is this..? " ( As my caller ID put private no.) Mel: " Hello, it's Mel la.." Me: " Oh mel, ya why..? " Mel: " Ehh ur hse got cook dinner a not..? " Me : " Got la, why leh..? " Mel : " No la, ehh u can come out for dinner..? I very lonely at home, cane accompany me eat at Bp or something..? At home no body, I very lonely.." Me : " Huh..? Erm, eat outside ar..? Cook alre leh, why not i ask my mom see u can come join us 4 dinner..? " Mel : " Really ar..? Can meh..? okok U call my hp later.." ( 15minutes later... ..) Me: " hello, ehh u can come, I meet u later 7pm at cck mrt station." Mel " Haha, okok..." This was what happened, and Mel was so late, I waited for her about 25 minutes, WTH.. And she didn't seem apologetic at all when she walked over to me.. How great!! -.- We had quite a bit of fun, but she needed to go home early so she left about 9.30pm, and I also couldn't teach her much piano songs as it was not a good idea to play piano in the night, as the sound might disturb my neighbours.. See I'm so considerrate right.. LOL AND.... I've gotten the Graduation pictures alre...Yeah!! Will upload them tomorrow night.. =D Gtg now, nite! 11:06 PM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Went to school today for graduation ceremony. Though the prize giving and speech given by our school was a quite dry, and I was feeling sleepy LOL. I must say that the overall speech given by the director of termasek design school was marvellous. He managed to capture the audience's attention by the the way he speaks( cracking jokes here and there), and he really know how to interact with the listeners. Scissors, paper, stone. That was his theme for his speech, the sign of scissors means 'Victory' in sign language. So " In order to succeed, you must first be able to dream(Visualize), believe in it that it will happen, and persevere on. " It was definitely a interesting talk for all of us sitting in the hall. We went around shaking hands of the teachers and suprisingly I actually felt a little bit sad inside. Though this is my 2nd time attending the ceremony. Maybe it's because of the good teachers we're going to miss. Sigh, teachers like Mr Ng, Miss Kum, Mr Maran, Mr Eddy, Mr chew, Mrs Li, Mrs Goh,...... etc in short all those teachers who taught us this year. Honesty speaking I feel they are much more better than last year's teachers for our class. Actually I have the photos alre, but then I still have not collected them all, so maybe the next few days I will upload the pictures haha! " There will be a scar, but the scar will slowly lighten with time..." " Should I go or should I not..? This is seriously making me so stressed up." 11:41 PM
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Allright, I admit that today I did something stupid. I went to youtube to search for Secret's ( Jay's movie) piano videos, and managed to find almost all of them. Anda... I managed to successfully play a whole song form the movie, without the music scores. Yes, I completed the song using my ear most of the time, though there were some blurry images but the person playing it was playing too fast so I couldn't see properly. I know it sounds stupid and insane, but I'm glad that I've finally figured out how to play it!!! =D It was freaking tedious as my com is not close to my piano so I had to keep running here and there like a mad person. I spent around 1 hour plus to master the song..? LOL Sounds idiotic to me now, but that is what pianist do when they like a song, but don't have access to the music scores yet. Haha. Well, tomorrow's the appointment and I'm feeling a little bit tensed. HOpefully everything goes well & I'm going for my dental appointment most likely. =( Ahhhhh................................ 11:17 PM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
I almost thought that tomorrow I needed to go back to school for POA exam, thank god Wee Kiat reminded me at msn haha. Ya I agree that I'm Another news that made me happy today is that daddy gonna renovate the house, YEAH!!! nono not the whole house maybe just the living room area. So we'll have a new look for our living room, quite a few no. of things will be added haha. I can't wait for it. =D " Tears came down as I listened to the song, I felt a sudden sense of sadness inside me but I don't know why. It seemed like the feeling has been kept inside me for too long. Do I really have no idea or have I been trying to escape from it all these while? " Even I myself don't understand, who else will??? Wednesday's the appointment and honesty speaking I'm feeling quite nervous about it. Though this has always been what I've waited for, this is also my first time experiencing it. I'm really afraid that it will hurt so much on the day of the op. Sigh, hopefully I wont freak out until I faint.. haha. Allright I gotta go for now. Nights. 11:02 PM
Friday, November 9, 2007
After taking such a long break, I attended piano lesson again Woohoo!! The feeling was great!! Miss Ho was so afraid that I'll forget all my fingerings for my scale LOL, but thank god I still remembered them and managed to play quite smoothly. =D She also made me play only my right hand for my exam pieces, Sigh, maybe she wants me to warm my engine first before speeding HAHA. Well, Monday's the last paper FINALLY!! And Wednesday''s my appointment, I seriously can't wait for it. =) I'm starting to find holidays are so boring I think I need to get myself a job, since Dad and Mom decided to postpone this year's Hongkong trip to next year. Hopefully by the end of next year we are able to go to Hokkaido. Sigh, though on the outside everything seems to be going okay for me. But I'm feeling so stressed up by some personal matters regarding about my dad. I really hope that he can recover well as soon as possible, at least let there be a cure for it. OR let it heal naturally, I don't think I'm asking for too much. Think I'm gonna keep my fingers crossed.. May god bless. 10:10 PM
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Just came back from dinner... Nope it's supper LOL. We set off at around 7 & headed down to marina area to have seafood. When we got there, 'Long beach' restaurant was closed, as in the whole shop was GONE. All of us was like " Oh man!! what the.." So dad suggested to go over to another place which is nearby to have seafood, and the restaurant's seafood name is " Jumbo". We thought that it was somewhere nearby, but then it didn't turn out to be. Dad kept turning round and round but there was no sigh of the retaurant's name. LOL I think we easily made 5 to 6 rounds at the same place, everyone was hungry and drained out. And then suddenly " Alamak, don't tell me the Junbo restaurant also closed down." " No la, we're not so unlucky okay." Then finally with the help of my 2nd uncle we managed to reach the place. By then it was already 9pm. YES 9PM!!!!! And the place was quite filled up ( the god damn jumbo restaurant) thus we went to Red House Seafood restaurant. Now you can understand why I was so famished and worn out?? I mean like in the car for 2 hour plus and going your destination only to discover that it has already moved away?? It's insane. But thank god we managed to enjoy ouselves, with the hefty price of $169. So I must say, " THANK YOU DADDY!! For treating us on your Birthday. " =D But I seriously feel that the seafood was too expensive. Take a look below at what we ordered. 1: Chinese tea- $7.50 2: Spinich toufu- $14 3: Steamed mantou- $4 4: Chilli crab- $38 5: Garlic Razor Clam- $50 6: Drunken Prawns- $19.50 7: Rice- $2.50 8: Mushroom vegetable- $12 9: Walnut- $5 Plus GST $10.70++ Those highlighted in red, yeup it's the chinese tea I've no idea what it's made of but I don't think it's normal tea otherwise why the high price?? I always thought that toufu should be cheap but then it don't seemed like it, how on earth can they serve toufu and charge us 14 bucks?? It's not like the toufu is made of gold or something right? If we're living in MARS and they charge us I'm fine with it, but HELLO this is Earth. ( Pissed ) Walnut is one of my favourite nuts, but after seeing how mean they can be those blood*******. I don't think I'll ever go and touch any nuts served on the table ever again, trust me. The thing that stunned me most is that, they charge us for the towel??!! Why don't they also charge us for the small bowl ( filled with lemon+water) to wash our fingers. I bet the lemon's not cheap also, maybe around $10 each?? WTH 12:13 AM
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Went to school as there was POA lesson by right at 1 to 3pm. I was literally rushing over as I was a little bit late and Prakash was already at concourse. Finally I reached and saw prakash sitting alone at a table, and beside him there was two 5As student. I thought that maybe Mrs goh was late or something, so we waited. Finally we went to the AVA room to check it out, but then it was locked. Needless to say, we went back home. WTF. I came all the way from CCK to school just for nothin..? Prakash was even worse he stays at bukit batok. Sigh, what a dreadful day. Hopefully today's celebration with dad would be better, well at least the other half of my day wouldn't be as bad. LOL Maybe we're going to Sakura international restaurant or No signboard seafood restaurant..? Tomorrow gonna have another big feast for me haha, I'm heading to Pam's house to have lunch as they're celebrating Deepavali!!! Yummy!! =D And I'm glad to say that finally I had my appointment for the consultation fixed.. Phew finally man. Hmm..that's all for now..? Will be back later in the night.. 4:57 PM
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
" It seems like I confused my own feelings with reality. " This is one of the dreadful situation I landed myself in a few months ago. And the feeling sucked so much, it can't be expressed using words, music maybe. I've been reflecting on my past feelings as I re-read my diary the yesterday. To think that I was so infatuated with him until I lost the ability to differentiate the truth and my own wishful part of thinking. I thought that we had a chance, maybe there a was tinnie tiny little chance hiding somewhere in a corner, or so I thought. I realized that I was so foolish to waste my time, thinking about things that are so far away from reality. Though I was tormented by it countless times before, but can I really restrain myself from falling into it if it happens again?? " I keep having the feeling that it's soon going to happen again...." 9:03 PM
Well, I'm quite pissed right now due to the fact that my " CONSIDERATE " neighbour who's staying above me started his hammering shit*, while I was about to fall asleep. And now, my head feels like it's going to split into two anytime from now. Honesty, speaking this is not the first time he's making these freakin' noises. And coincidentally everytime he chooses to hammer I'll be trying to sleep or asleep. Needless to say he always never fail to wake me up, and I am seriously pissed off with people who disturbs me when I'm sleeping. IF, the person who's contributing to all this destructive noises, have at least a sense of basic courtesy or consideration I really hope that he can get this renovation shit done ASAP. It's a great nusance and disturbance to my fellow neighbours. All of us are trying to control the fury within us whenever this idiotic crazed person starts hammering all of a sudden. I mean it's like if he's having some kinda renovation thing then get it over and done with asap man. What's with the sporadic hammering?? It's either he's The best thing is AFTER I WOKE up, the god damn hammering STOPS!!!!!! This is SO 2:59 PM
Monday, November 5, 2007
After Ss paper, I went to starbucks with pam and gang. Mel ordered some kinda hot chocolate while I was still deciding what to order. Then, the person started recommanding some mocca fra*** thing ( obviously I don't know how to spell..haha) so I thought " Why not? " since I don't know what to order and she was insisted that I was "so" nice. So after drinking it, I felt that it was...yucky. Maybe because I'm not a coffee person but the fact is that it had a really bitter taste and it's sort of weird. Mel's drink was too chocolatety but after sipping her drink I felt that there was a tiny hint of red wine flavour LOL. I couldn't manage to finish my grandeur mocca drink as halfway drinking it, I felt sick ( my poor stomach was screaming for me to stop drinking it) & felt like vomitting. Sigh, I wasted 7+bucks for nothing but torturing myself. Today's incident really gave me a bad impression on that cafe. Moral of the story : Don't listen to people's recommandation even if you don't know what to order. 1:41 PM
Sunday, November 4, 2007
It's 12.27am, and I should be in bed asleep right now as I still have to mug again tomorrow morning. But I just can't get to sleep, I wonder why. Other than exams stuffs, I still have other personal problems Maybe I should just take some sleeping pills to make myself fall asleep faster. Well, nothing much to blog about right now so that's all for now. Nights. " Hopefully everything will not be as bad as I thought... " 12:26 AM
Saturday, November 3, 2007
The revenge of Ss... After 5 hours of continuous mugging for Ss I decided to take a break, which is why I'm bloging right now. The plan for mugging went fine at the beginning, all the way until at the 4th hour I felt nauseous and bloated all of a sudden. Has it got to do with stress?? Think most probably gonna skip dinner tonight, not much of a appetite..Sigh. There were times when I was in the midst of memorizing and then ( Blank**) ..... " Shikes, which part was I memorizing just now..? " The feeling sucks so damn much. You know that you've memorized them, but you just can't generate all of them out , somehow. I can't wait for this Sometimes I really wonder what's the point of studying those subjects that doesn't help us in our work in the future? It makes not sense to me. Totally. Alright, gotta continue mugging again, will be back later, if possible. 7:22 PM
Friday, November 2, 2007
Ss is seriously driving me nuts, finally finished browsing through 2 -3 chapters and my eyes are damn dry, blood vessels could be seen if zoomed in LOL. I was sort of studying togeher with my sister as she was also memorizing her Itallian terms (piano) while I was trying to memorize those cold hard fact. Suddenly she said "Okay test me now." I paused and read out those Itallian terms and she had to tell me the meaning of those words I read. After reading some words I came across this particular word, " Molto. " "What..?" " Molto " I repeated myself once again. ( there was a long pause of slience) "So..?" I said looking at her. She let out a grin and said " CYCLE!! " [ faints**] -.-" And I was like " ya very funny " LOL Sigh, well after this O level exams, I need to continue my music lesson again! I dread it so much, oops!! I know I shouldn't be talking in this way but it's like after relaxing for 2 months ( without having to practice against my will) I find it hard to go back to my usual routine. Furthermore this time around it's Grade 8 standard..? What a joke. I think for the first few months will be HELL for me during piano lessons, because this is what is going to happen... Teacher: " Nono, wrong key it's E flat .... 2 minutes later ... Teacher: "No wrong key, read again! I will also take ages.. no should be eons to read the notes due to the long long holiday I had during my O level. And it's just a matter of time before she grumble and lecture at the same time (Isn't that amazing how she does that??) " Why are you playing so slowly, my god how are you going to take your Grade 8 exams..?? You are not up to standard yet... $#!!#@!##^%&^$^$#%#%!$@$!! " Sigh, see what I mean? I guess there's nothing I can do about it because this is the final grade & I can't give up even if I want to. BUT after I clear this around I WILL BE FREE... Yippee!! =D Allright my medicine is taking effect again, gotta go to my dreamland. Nitez. Zzzz zz zz... 11:46 PM
Thursday, November 1, 2007
The lids of my eyes are super duper heavy right now, part of it is due to the medicine taking effect and I'm so drained out after the mugging. But it's worth it as I almost finished my Biology!! =D I've been thinking about what I want to do after my O's, and most likely I'll be going to procceed as planned..It's a Hopefully everything will go smoothly, I seriously don't want this long awaited plan to get screwed up at the very last minute. I also really can't wait for the chalet at 21,22 and 23 of Dec the anticipation is killing me!! ..I MISS my 4E5 (2006)... XD Tomorrow's the 3rd last paper, followed by SS on monday and then POA( MCQ) on the 13th..? But I don't really intend to mug as hard I mean it's like MCQ, so.. maybe it's also because of my laziness lol. Allright I gtg to my dreamland, I can't take it anymore..Zzzzz zzz zz...........Niitez. 11:25 PM