Friday, September 28, 2007
Today was really the last PE I had with 4E5 and it was really really fun, sigh I think I'm definitely gonna miss having P.E with this class all of them are so wild and crazy when it comes to sports..LOL Prelim's results are seriously not up to standard right now I got to add more fuel man..Haha. Though I'm quite disappointed with myself but I must be more practical now is not the time to cry & give up otherwise I will be wasting all my efforts for this past few months. One more months is only left for me and I really need to study fast, smart and efficient. Needless to say it's going to be energy consuming and exhausting but I really hope I can finish this last lap sucessfully with the rest of them. Gonna mug already, byebye! =D 4:46 PM
Friday, September 21, 2007
Went for my 2.4 today was almost dead by the time I finished the whole test. Thank god sweehong was my pacer haha, thank you sweehong!! =D She was constantly encouraging me throughout the whole thing, & though I was breathless thus unable to talk to her much but then her accompanyment was deeply appreciated HAHA. And for the overall results I'm not very satisfied sigh, especially with my MATHS!! Though there was improvement but then it's seriously not enough, I'm so worried sigh. I really can't afford to see myself getting back the same results as last year, ( hope that it won't happen) But like what Mr Lee said " I'm sure you guys can make it. I've seen your papers and there was improvement. You all just need more practice, continue to work hard & remember to relax!!! "... That was a great comfort to the 3 of us, at least we didn't feel so bad after hearing his encouragement.. So let us all JIA YOU together!!! It's another five more weeks & then we can be free!! JIAYOU JIAYOU JIAYOU!!! I'm feeling seriously stressed up right now, I hope everything will go well for me. 5:10 PM
Monday, September 17, 2007
I'm back LOL.. Met up with sarah and shihui & peilin to sakae and settle our dinner. Dinner was great with them and with sarah around it's never quiet haha. Finally I'm OFFICIALLY 17 yrs old!!! WOOHOO!! I'm so happy shalalalala~~~~ allright allright I know it's lame -.- Anyways just wana thank my dearies those who wished me and bought gifts for me especially shihui peilin and sarah for their pressies!! MUACKZ! =D I dread going to school, it sucks so much. 9:14 PM
Woo hoo later I'm going out with sarah and gang to lot 1 and chill out ..LOL My eyes are now red & swollen due to the crying, blame it on the stupid show la (latest taiwan drama) mingdao was in a coma and his soul went looking for his beloved. Below's a short summary why I cried like hell... .. .. " AJ (mingdao) was going to confess to XT(qiao en) tonight after school but was in a coma as he helped XT to shield a bullet from a ex-convict. Thus his soul went looking for her as he only have a very short span of limited time to do what he wants to do before he's really dead, and that poor girl kept giving herself hope that he will wake up by tomorrow. He's able to see her, but she can't see him and he regrets not confessing to her this morning. WTF And then she goes looking for autumn fireflies as AJ once told her that if one can find autumn fireflies then the wish the person make will come true, so meaning to say autumn fireflies are like impossible to find. -.- So needless to say, XT went looking for fireflies while AJ lies on the hospital bed looking as if he's going to die. And then here comes the another guy who seemed to be interested in XT, what the heck. BUT thank god she managed to find the fireflies and AJ's gonna wake up in the next episode" I think this is the 1st time in history I had cried until so bad because of a stupid drama. LOL But never mind it's worth as he wakes up eventually wahahaha.. >.< Cya later!! XD 1:10 PM
Saturday, September 15, 2007
I woke up super duper early today due to the damn renovation going on at 4th floor, did not have any peace at all this week & it's really driving me nuts!! =( But I went out with sarah and shihui today as they wanted to sort of celebrate with me in advance haha. We went to Fish & Co. to have out lunch, thinking about that really makes me laugh LOL. We were initially browsing at kinokuniya then I started to grumble that I was hungry so we went and search for places to eat. But then we started to have trouble finding the food place, we went keep going round and round around 3 times then only we found the stupid fisg & Co. After which we went to Bugis street to shop around and we saw melissa and pei qi haha I think we bump into them around 3 times..? haha. And we were look at some accessories when we I suddenly hear " Pei xuan...." I turn and look and saw yisan LOL she was with xiaohan and shishi. Then after much walking we went to kinokuniya as shihui kept complaining she wanted to return me the money thus we went into e book store and browse through. Found some really good books but I didn't buy them though, now I seemed to be regreting it. Sigh. Anyways, the moment we stepped into the book store, and with our energy level being filled up with fuel, sarah started her nonsense. She was around me when I was browsing through the books while shihui was looking at magazines. Then sarah said " ehh px, I reommand you some books, I got read books wan you know!" I turned to her and saw her smile, and knew that she was going to start her nonsense again. She really made me laugh like hell, I can't even concentrate reading. And needless to say people around me was thinking that I was crazy because when she was joking she wasn't quite laughing. So obviously people will think that I was going nuts. LOL Well, I really had a fun day with my dears, can't wait till monday YEAH!! XD 10:37 PM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Weijie:" PX! I've found him already. He studied in Riverside secondary last time" Me:" ...( Speechless) I used to go to Riveride to study for my O level music programme" Finally at last I've found him, after 8 years. I really cannot believe the fact that 2 years ago I actually missed my chance of finding him. I was so close to meeting him and yet I didn't know until now. This feeling really sucks. 10:35 PM
I seriously didn't expect RATATOUILLE to be so damn nice!! Watched it with weijie, eileen today at lot1 as we didn't want to go too far because kwan yi finish school at 4plus. So went & catch the movie while waiting for her, the show simply rocks my socks !! XD I fell in love with remy (the mouse) as it was so CUTE and talented at cooking!!!!! Best cartoon I've ever watched so far in 2007 =D & shockingly today I went and play pool with them haha, all thanks to kwan yi my mentor LOL. She still said I have potential haha, but I think she's trying to give me more confident overall she's a great coach! Thanks kwan yi!! Finally I can relax because all exams are more or less settled already, only left with science MCQ. Phew. And I can't wait for next Monday, it's a very special day for ME!! :) Hopefully next week I'm able to go to leen's hse with my girls haha, to see her new puppy! Definitely had a great time with them today, can't wait for the next outing. Thanks girls!! Muackz. 9:02 PM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Today 11th september 2007 SUCKED. A BIG time. Geography paper came first, it was still manageable except for the development part where we needed to write about the problems about the poor people in undeveloped country. But then I started to get muddled up when two questions was asking for the same factors, except that one of the Q' wanted the factors that developed countries had and another wanted factors that undeveloped countries didn't had. Like for example (Q1: what are the factors that developed countries had? Ans- Healthcare, proper sanitation...etc) (Q2: What problems did the undeveloped country faced? Ans- Poor sanitation, inaccessible healthcare treatments) So basically both of the q's are asking for the same set of answers. I really didn't know if I had misunderstood the question or was the question really asking for the same set of answers. Sigh. And to make matter worse, MATHS paper2 was ANOTHER killer. I started off well, at the algebra questions it was still 'do-able' for me. Then at the last question of the paper I got stucked and I over spent my precious time over at 1 pathetic stupid question. I struggled to keep myself going as I kept skiping those questions that I couldn't do. Although I was doing other question part of my mind as still at those pervious question that I couldn't solve. WTF. The tiles question was atrocious and I couldn't solve it as my mind was too tensed at that period of time. Seriously speaking I think I was too nervous and tensed-up and that's the freaking reason why I had this strange feeling that I could solve it when I look at some particular question, and yet I just couldn't get the answer. I honesty HATE IT so freaking much when I know that I can solve it but because of the fact that I'm tensed ( don't know for what the heck, maybe because of the timing) I can't think properly. Time constrain is another factor that I don't seemed to be able to handle well, I get so stressed up that my brain was going haywire in the midst of the examination. =( Well, I had my fair share of whining & complaining LOL. So it's time for me to continue polishing myself until I'm shiny!!! No point keep thinking about useless stuffs that's going to hold me down or make me feel like a loser right? So I'm NOT GOING TO GIVE UP NOW!!! It's just another 27 more day's so JIAYOU JIA YOU JIAYOU!!!!! for me. XD GOGOGO!!! 3:34 PM
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Today I had severe muscle ache at my neck maybe because I never sleep properly last night. It felt like my whole head is going to come off my neck. LOL Sigh, I still can't find my song!! Agrhh...... I want that song so bloody much man. Althought it's abit old...., allright it's quite old the song was inside his 1997's album, wahaha. Monday's prelims jiayou to me GoGoGo!!! Okay actually I have nothing much to blog about gtg.. Buai~~ XD 11:08 PM
Friday, September 7, 2007
Finally after 3 days of continuous drilling and renovation, there was PEACE today. =D Had breakfast with mom at Mac before she went out & most importantly, I could study properly without any disturbance, I was so upset for the past few days as No.1) They start their stupid renovating at 9 in the morning No. 2) The whole damn thing ends at 5pm So how the heck am I suppose to study for my prelims?? Totally insane isn't it!! Mugged chemistry and maths today, I decided to let go of POA as I really don't have time for that. Well at least I would rather spend it on my MATHS lolz. I also realized I'm into cantonese songs..LOL Maybe it's because of shades of truth the hongkong show. I'm currently searching for "cheng jing bu zhi ni hao" but it's sung in cantonese by Julian cheung. Here I am searching like mad BUT I just can't find it. Sigh. =( School's gonna start soon & I'm going to be super-duper stressed up. Hope I won't lose the momentum otherwise I'll be dead meat! haha. Well, got to go now super tired, Nights!! XD 11:23 PM
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Mugged in school today although I wasn't in much mood to do so. I have only 1 more month left, sigh & I'm freaking stressed up. Recently there's so much things that happened that made me feel so...upset. It's like I here trying to control my emotions & yet some inconsiderate people just love taking advantage of that. WTF Mood swings are definitely in for me these few days, not that I like it but I just can't stop it. And regarding about the dream I had yesterday seemed so real, I dreamt that 'he'( someone whom I like??) and I were together in some place, and I was arguing with him because I was jealous or something so that person dragged me to a private place and before I would shout at him, he slapped me right on my face & it hurts so much that I woke up. LOL I think I know who the guy in my dream was lol he's a actor wahaha. " I thought I couldn't find a reason to let you go. But now I found it. I guess there isn't much meaning for me to keep holding back, as I discovered that you are not who I thought you once were. You & I we are never meant to be together. 12:00 AM
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Today's sarah's birthday, so Peilin, me, sarah and pengna went to IMM to celebrate and dine at cafe cartel. Honesty speaking the fish & chip wasn't up to standard. No.1 The food was so called served medium hot, outside the crispy part was still okay, but then the flesh inside was cold as in COLD. What the heck. I ate only half of the serving and I was bolated, so gave the rest to pengna, she's so nice helped me to eat finish hahaha. =) After having lunch we went to search for my hokkaido ice cream LOL. It was so damn hilarious because I think I was the only one looking around for something sweet, then only me saw the hokkaido ice cream stall. When I ask them if they saw it they said " No" So everyone thought I saw the wrong thing, even worse they thought I was hallucinating LOL. So after much hard work sarah finally helped me to find my japan ice-cream stall haha. But ended up we had ice-creams at Mac instead because of Pengna LOL. We were scared that if we went swensens we would get chased out HAHA. Girls if you are reading this you will knoe what I'm talking about right. Nana needed to go home early to work, thus we left early sigh. But we had a great deal of fun today haha, so it was worth the trip. HAPPY 17th BIRTHDAY SARAH!! =) 11:03 PM